The Student Room Group
Tell her how you feel, and if she doesn't stop telling him ur business then drop her. At the end of the day she's ur friend and you should be able to tell her things without worrying that she's going to tell someone else. Trust is important.
Reply 2
By 'drop' her i was hoping you meant you were about to knock someone out, in a hard man from 'oop north kinda way. 'I'll drop thee' etc. Disappointing to find out that wasn't the case, however, it might be worth a shot if you really can't get rid of her?
Reply 3
Just had a good old cry as last night she was on msn and he was slagging off me and his ex who he cheated on yet she still wants to hang out with him. I thought friends didn't hang out with people who criticised their friends they have known for years.