The Student Room Group
Reply 1
There was a thread about stress within the last 10 days I think, in which Sazarina88 and myself posted methods of stress management in a lot of detail. I cannot be bothered typing it all out again so I will look for this thread and please could you have a search for it too.
Reply 2
I think prioritising always helps - depends what it is you're stressed about, but if you've got lots of things you need to do, it can help to write it all down and put things in order of importance, work out how much time you've got to do them, and set a realistic time to get them done in.
Exercise is good for stopping you feeling stressed, which is also a good incentive for getting fitter and healthier, and getting a lot of sleep can help you deal better with things than being tired all the time.
If you're feeling yourself start to panick about it all, just stop whatever you're doing and rest, because you can't get anything done when you're too stressed about it.
But it definately helps to talk things through with someone, are you sure you haven't got anyone to talk to? Any friends, brothers/sisters, parents, family??
Reply 3
This sounds really cliched, but sport is a brilliant way to relieve stress. The exercise makes you feel better and releases a load of seratonin into the brain, and whilst you're playing you havent got time to worry about school/job/gf etc etc, so the effect is two fold.
Reply 4

Here you are. It's even called 'Stress Management' so a wee search would have thrown it up straight away. It's better to use threads like that for info or for carrying them on rather than creating a whole new thread about exactly the same thing, where a lot of people will not bother posting because it was done so recently. Search is your friend.
Reply 5
I guess i can talk to my friends, but not my family, i never speak to them about things that are worrying me, i dont know why, its just the way i grew up i guess. Your advice sounds good, thank you.