The Student Room Group

Social smoking

Just a general question. If you take a puff but don’t “take it in” into your lungs but just keep the smoke in your mouth and blow it out again, you won’t suffer from the harmful effects that smoking has on your health would you? I’m talking about tar in your lungs, bronchitis etc…
I know if you were to do this, there would be no point in smoking in the first place but as the title suggests, I’m just enquisitive for smoking socially like in a pub or club for example.

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Reply 1
Any form of smoking is bad for you. 'Social smoking' is often how people get hooked.
You'd still smell like crap though and that is never good.
Nope, You won't suffer the effects. Minimal at the most. You will suffer from yellow teeth and black lips if you do it ALOT.
Just a general question. If you take a puff but don’t “take it in” into your lungs but just keep the smoke in your mouth and blow it out again, you won’t suffer from the harmful effects that smoking has on your health would you? I’m talking about tar in your lungs, bronchitis etc…
I know if you were to do this, there would be no point in smoking in the first place but as the title suggests, I’m just enquisitive for smoking socially like in a pub or club for example.

LMAO how the hell can you not take some into your lungs? You will be taking in some. Just bascially don't do it - you smell like **** and you look like a loser.
Any form of smoking is bad for you. 'Social smoking' is often how people get hooked.

unless you ban smoking completely put a stop to going to effect peoples health.
you still get cancer of the mouth and tounge, plus you could well get addicted, i'm not critisising, i'm a casual smoker have been for 2 years, and i'm lucky that i havent become addicted, but i still choose to run the health risk, thats ignorance for you
Reply 7
Mouth and throat cancer? Gum disease? Tasting like an ashtray? You don't avoid any of that.

Also, if your intention is purely to fit in in a social situation, it may well be noticable that you're not really inhaling. Try sucking a little air into your mouth without breathing in; it's difficult, isn't it? And then you'll only be breathing out a tiny volume of smoke.

You have a golden opportunity not to smoke, so take it. No-one at all starts out thinking that they'll become addicted. There are other ways of being 'sociable', and the smoking ban will probably have reached England by 2008. Standing outside a club in the smoking enclosure, freezing your arse off, is not particularly fun.
Reply 8
What is the point of smoking if you don't inhale? There's no enjoyment and you look like an idiot (both to non smokers, who will think you are a poser and smokers who will notice that you don't inhale and think you are a poser). Oh and then there's the risk of mouth and throat cancer and yellow teeth. Mmm nice.
Reply 9
What is the point of smoking if you don't inhale? There's no enjoyment and you look like an idiot (both to non smokers, who will think you are a poser and smokers who will notice that you don't inhale and think you are a poser). Oh and then there's the risk of mouth and throat cancer and yellow teeth. Mmm nice.

Im a SMOKER and smokers dnt smell bad, they smell like coal
The whole point of social smoking is the nicotine buzz. If you're not going to inhale - don't bother.

By the way, to all the whining health-freaks, nicotine buzz is ace :wink:. But getting addicted is lame. Then you don't even get the buzz :frown:
What is the point of smoking if you don't inhale? There's no enjoyment and you look like an idiot (both to non smokers, who will think you are a poser and smokers who will notice that you don't inhale and think you are a poser). Oh and then there's the risk of mouth and throat cancer and yellow teeth. Mmm nice.

You're not going to get yellow teeth from smoking a few cigarettes a week, you're talking nonsense. Smokers get yellow teeth from smoking several cigarettes daily. Also the risk of getting cancer from smoking one or two cigarettes occasionally on a night out is tiny - again, the risk is to people who are smoking a pack (or more) every day.
Reply 13
It does NOT smell like coal. That is utter bull. When did you last smell coal then?
Reply 14
You can still get mouth cancer. Passive smoking is bad for you, so what your suggesting must be at least worse than passive smoking! Drink in a pub or club, but don't smoke!!
Hmm I like the smell of coal. Cigarette smoke definately doesn't smell like coal. Cigarette smoke stinks. Yet, I still do love the buzz...

Heh, it always amuses me all the people who are like "it makes your clothes smell". So what? So does drinking too much, yet the same people who go on about the smell of smoke happily binge drink and go home smelling of booze and vomit. Apparently there's a difference? The solution: If you;re out to impress someone on a night out, don't have a cigarette. If you're just out to have a good time, then who gives a tits if you smell of smoke?
You can still get mouth cancer. Passive smoking is bad for you, so what your suggesting must be at least worse than passive smoking! Drink in a pub or club, but don't smoke!!

You're buying into all the New Labour nanny-state healthfreak crap. Drives me up the wall. I'd rather die at 30 than live as the sort of person who's obsessed with the miniscule dangers of passive smoking.
Reply 17
Why would you smoke if you're not going to inhale it?
Feels quite weird at first when you start inhaling it instead of just holding the smoke in your mouth - does it always feel strange breathing it in fully, or do you get used to it? And yeah, it's true - what's the point of spending £5 on a pack if you're not going to get the 'benefit' of the nicotine from breathing it in?
Flank Runner
you still get cancer of the mouth and tounge, plus you could well get addicted, i'm not critisising, i'm a casual smoker have been for 2 years, and i'm lucky that i havent become addicted, but i still choose to run the health risk, thats ignorance for you

Lol, you know the risks so it isn't ignorance. Perhaps stupidity?:p: