The Student Room Group

Where to find good relationship

OK here's the tragic truth. I'm 26 and have never had a fulfilling relationship. All just insincere and pointless. Very rare to make a good connection, the one time I did it was great, but she just buggered off and it didn't work out. Anyway, I'm wondering where I should find the right person, given that everything seems so familiar, and so like I'm in a rut here in my hometown. Work isn't really any good, neither are pubs really. So where do I look to find someone refreshing?

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Reply 1
If I ever work it out mate, I'll let you know.
You could always resort to the net, if it came to it. Pretty common these days...
Reply 3
You could always resort to the net, if it came to it. Pretty common these days...

So are the people you find on those sites.
Reply 4
Are you at Uni? (I know you're 26, but why else would you be on this forum?) If so, join some societies! Hopefully you'll find like minded people that you wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet otherwise.
i don't think you should actively go out seeking for a relationship, give it time. In the meantime, concentrate on yourself, learn more about u, join clubs and societys like tennis or an art club and make lots of friends
You stay classy San Diego
Reply 7
I say...., travel around the world looking for the perfect woman.
I recommend starting in Thailand
Reply 8
Ron Burgundy
You stay classy San Diego

I love lamp.

OP - try going on nights out in different places?
I love lamp.

OP - try going on nights out in different places?

I've tried that before. No good whatsoever
Reply 10
get your mates to invite all their mates round for a party?
My mates aren't really mates, just acquaintances kind of
Reply 12
Buy one off ebay? I'm sure you can buy anything on there nowadays :P

Sorry... not very helpful. Erm yeah, dont think i know of many people who have met the ideal person within THEIR area - its always typical that the one person you click with lives the furthest away but i guess if you really make a connection you can make it work - but you just gotta find them first! So maybe try expanding your contacts a bit: travel, join clubs/ teams, go on nights out in different areas?

Sorry... not much help just rabbiting on. Good Luck though! xx

p.s. dont let age stop you - you're never too old (or young!)
Reply 13
internet. yea everyone will think youre sad and you have to trudge through a lot of crap but you might strike gold. worth a bash. even if you dont find the girl of your dreams you might have a laugh.
Karate class??
no seriously try joining some sort of class or something.
go to uni

what are ur interests?

if not, yellow pages
Reply 16
u can find and start a good relationship wherever YOU want to find it..this may sound like total *******s but if u go into a situation thinking that sumthing's never gonna work out jus coz of the location you're in then u'v already lost half the battle...sum of the best relationships i'v had hav been meeting girls in the most unlikely waiting for the train..the bus stop or grocery shopping...don't go around looking for a RELATIONSHIP but go looking for FRIENDSHIPS..and after the initial meeting u think that she might be a good avenue to pursue for a proper relationship crank it up abit and work on it..if u go into encounters initially thinking about "yes this girl looks like potential relationship material" u tend to say sumthing that makes u look like a total dick(well not u specifically but ppl in general:P) and you'l never get to be at ease with the person initially for fear of "insulting" or doing sumthing she wont approve of or scaring her away...

so moral of the girls everywhere and anywhere...and dont go meeting girls with the intention of heading straight into a words are kinda incoherent at the mo jugglin slightly too many tasks at once:P ..but u shuld get the jist..
I think you should look on the internet. Internet dating is starting to lose its stigma. It's not just for people too sad and desperate to be able to find someone in real life, but people who are too busy, or who don't have very much choice where they live, or who for whatever reason just haven't managed to bump into the right person. Now that more and more people are joining internet dating sites (most of them perfectly nice, normal people) there's a much greater chance that you'll meet someone online that you really click with. And even if it doesn't go anywhere romantically, you might make some new friends.
I know what you mean! I can't find a single man who has anything resembling maturity. It's freaking annoying. I'm just really nervous to go to uni because I'm afraid that British men won't like me because I have a silly accent and I come from a completely foolish country. Fingers crossed, cause I've seen some sexy British guys :smile: I took a detailed observation while I was visiting and I drooled. A lot :smile:
Get some better friends, go out with them, explore the interests that you have in a semi-formal setting like societies, join exta-uni things, the local book club, am. dram. whatever.