The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I got some mail the other day including a list of the term times for next year including "Term Begins", "Terms End" dates and also "exit day" and "redit day". What do all these different days mean and when do terms actually begin and end?

I have no idea what this random mail was m8. But Cambridge has 2 different versions of terms....the University term and the Full term. Full term is actually how long you need to be there, where as the uni term is longer and is how long you can be there.....if you need to stay on for some reason.
Reply 2
I got some mail the other day including a list of the term times for next year including "Term Begins", "Terms End" dates and also "exit day" and "redit day". What do all these different days mean and when do terms actually begin and end?

Cambridge Term is fixed for all time, the Full Term period shifts around in the Term period info:
At a guess it may be when the college expects you to leave and arrive from/to college accommodation. Most colleges don't actually follow the Full Term dates or the Term dates for this and will give some other dates which are convienent for them.

If you are going to a college in the town centre some of them will only let your parents drive up and deposit your stuff on certain days (because they place is pedestrianised by the use of 'magic' rising bollards.). Also, some colleges like the new first years to arrive the day after all the returning students have settled in. So I'd assume redit day is when you are supposed to arrive and exit day is when you are supposed to leave.