The Student Room Group

Should I confront her?

Ok one of my female mates always acts strange when we are on a nightout. I am starting to get the impression that she thinks that I fancy her. I really don't. Anyway, this I suspect is affecting our nightouts; last night for example, she did not speak to me once. Everytime there was a photo being taken, she did not want me to get a photograph with me and her, whereas all my other mates were like "hey get a photh me and him (as in me)". In the club, all of my friends (including other female mates) stuck together for a bit, danced, had fun, were drunk and merry. As for her, she just wondered off; didn't dance with us once.Then at the end of the night, she accused us for leaving her - when the last we saw of her was with some random dude.

Another night out, she got nervous when I just jokely flirted with her and gave her a hug at the end of the night. Yet, she is always flirting with me in private "hey darling <insert comment here>", "playfully punching me" or complimenting my clothng.

She is generally starting to annoy me, because I am progressively finding that she is just using me for my intellect rather then anything else. For example, if there is an exam coming up in our subject she would be like "hey, lets revise together. You do the hard bits, then explain them to me" I did, because as a mate I didn't want to see her get failed. If there are any essays or reports due in, I basically am asked by her to help her a lot. She asks me to accompany me to lectures......but in social enviornments, like on a night out, she acts like that (probably because I am not that good looking) -you get the picture.

She stuck pictures up on her bebo last night, I swear there were a lot more photos - yet she didn't stick any of me up (she never does). I know I am not photogenic, but come on. My flat-mate last night got annoyed with her too for whatever reason - but to be honest I think I just want to tell her the truth - I don't fancy her. As I can't otherwise explain why she is acting in this manner.
Reply 1
It sounds to me like she wants you involved in her course and academic life basically, so you'll help her and she won't be alone, but beyond that she doesn't give a crap. You should ditch her :smile:
Reply 2
It sounds to me like she wants you involved in her course and academic life basically, so you'll help her and she won't be alone, but beyond that she doesn't give a crap. You should ditch her :smile:

Thanks. Yeah, that is the impression I am getting, anf I am so tempted in doing exactly that...
Reply 3
Stop giving her the time of day. She's using you for your mind.
Agreed with the above, if its going to cause problems in your friendship groups, maybe it's just best to ignore her?
Reply 5
I agree with the above. Really, just ditch her.
Reply 6
Agreed with the above, if its going to cause problems in your friendship groups, maybe it's just best to ignore her?

Yeah is have been ignoring her...or lets say, "paying her less attention" then usual. She phoned me twice today, I didn't phone back. Saw her in town today as well, she started complaining about how I left her last night - when I so didn't . Told her in town "yeah, I didn't leave you last night. You left us. I gotta run, wanna get some friendship beads before the store shuts." then shrugged my shoulders. My flat-mate is not particularly happy with her either (his reasons are unknown), so we are just both not really making any effort with her.
Reply 7
Yeah, confront her in a subtle way. You don't fancy her and if she is think that, then get the idea out of her head. or you can stop helping her!!!
Reply 8
Well she is using you for your noodle.

To get back in a really twisted way convince her that spagetti grows on tree (Panorama Show Joke)
Stop giving her the time of day. She's using you for your mind.

i agree wouldn't be surprised.