The Student Room Group

differnce between GMC and BMA ?

are they interlinked.
i always thought the the GMC were the offical body represnting/ protecting the interest of the patients or doctors.
and this is the only officail register of all the docs practicing in the uk .

and is bma - just a group of doctors set up for guiding advising docs ???
Reply 1
Try looking at each body's website...
Reply 2
Well, here are the differences summed up in a (very funny) dialogue:

GMC: blah blah blah doctors can't do this/that/the other blah blah blah we'll ban you, if you do the slightest thing wrong blah blah blah. basically, these are the people you'll contact if: you need advice on the ethicality (is that a word?) of a procedure or if you've been a naughty boy/girl and somebody wants to sue you.

BMA: blah blah blah more money! more money! more money! blah blah blah labour are communists blah blah blah doctors are working as slaves. Basically, these are like your union. They negociate salary's, working times and all that.

Hope that helped!!
Heh, even I knew the differences, and I'm stupid :p: