The Student Room Group

Uni mates meeting up

I was friends with 4 girls at uni, one is on a gap year, 1 has finished uni and 2 are still there. I saw my gap year friend has guestbook on her web page there one of the girls who is still at uni says 'we miss you on our get togethers'. She has put this on there knowing full well I visit this website. These 3 girls blatenly get together and meet up without me cos if I bump into them they will say I saw the girls etc.

The only reason I can think of them excluding me is cos I am quiet, I am a nice person but don't get why they hold this against me. Friends have said they seem jealous cos I am prettier. I just feel sad that after uni I haven't been able to establish and maintain a uni friendship.

I have just finished uni so graduate in September with the 2 girls who are still there. I dread going to graduation cos I really don't want to face them but they will in the same group as me.
Reply 1
4get about them, you can find some decent friends that appreciate your company