The Student Room Group

Feeling down about love

ok so i'm a 17 year old bi guy, and right now im just always feeling sad. It's partly that i think im in love with one of my best (male) friends, but he has a gf and wouldnt feel the same way about me even if he didnt (although we kissed a while ago when drunk). I just kinda feel trapped, like i dont know what to do - theres no point telling him coz hes taken, but its just eating away at me. Im not sure what im hoping to accomplish by posting this really, but oh well.
I feel really bad for you! It's difficult to understand what situations people are in, but I hope that the feeling passes, and you find someone really good for you instead! Have you explicitly explained your feelings to him, or can he not remember the kiss? If you have told him, I think that's very commendable of you! Good luck with it xxxxxxxxxxxx
Yeah I'm sorry to hear that, well look listen if it helps I feel heartbroken too, but it's a pretty strange reason...

Um... I got booed off stage in a nightclub by some ex-bullies :redface: Soo embarrasing :eek:

It hurt because it reminded me of the bullying (so my feelings were shattered) and humiliating coz my friends were there, and I actually felt sorry for them that they were with such a loser :frown: Anyway I'm trying not to think about it, and neither should you, goodluck x
Awwww... dont worry man. *tight hugs*
We are a little different in this case bro. You have to keep quiet in this case. Dont destroy their relationship as well. Go with the flow and you will find someone better. I know its hard but people dont understand us..
Takecare man
Awww dude *adds more hugs to the hug pile* i'm sorry to hear about it, i wish i could do something to help you!
I'm going through a similar situation at the moment as well but you can't really do much but just go with the flow like what the others have said.
If things start to get a little too much is there anyway that you can just stay away from him for a while or confide in another friend? The "best" thing to do is to try and keep yourself busy but its a damn hard thing to do i know. Just DON'T let it take a hold of you, it'll tear you apart and won't solve a thing.
I wish you all the luck and love in the world, take care.
Reply 5
Thanks guys. To the first replier i haven't told him at all. He kissed me but doesnt remember it, and i dont really think it means anything. I guess I know i cant do anything, it's just such a rubbish situation.