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Reply 1
Aww bless ya both! Just do what comes naturally, you don't need to plan things like this, just go with the flow and all will go well =)
Reply 2
heres a really good tip.

Buy her lots of sweets (the kind you like). Seriously, you will NEVER forget your first kiss if her mouth tastes of sweets...I can still remember mine...twas great...
Hard to explain. Don't even know if I was any good.
Reply 4
heres a really good tip.

Buy her lots of sweets (the kind you like). Seriously, you will NEVER forget your first kiss if her mouth tastes of sweets...I can still remember mine...twas great...

Haha, that's an interesting idea :wink:

I have three packets of love hearts...:cool:
Very stupid question.

I can tell me and my girlfriend are gonna have our first kiss fairly soon (Hopefully valentine's day :love: ) but I have idea how to do it. I mean, neither of us have any experience. So I don't know what to do. Does it come naturally, and are there any tips people can give? Thanks. :blushing:

Just go with the flow, baby, what ever feels good.
Reply 6
Start slow and closed. Work to slow and open. Gradual and soft.

Reply 7
Start slow and closed. Work to slow and open. Gradual and soft.

Thanks. That's the sort of help I could do with :smile:
Reply 8
Start slow and closed. Work to slow and open. Gradual and soft.


Yeah don't just go poking your tongue straight in, it's not good.
Reply 9
Hey - best of luck with your first kiss with your girlfriend.

Dr Burry guide for kissing *only $1.95 at your local newsagent !

figure out what side you can roll your tongue, left or right - you will want to kiss with the flat top of your tongue on hers. So if your tongue can turn left for instance, tilt your head to the left when you kiss so your tongue can massage hers if you put it in her mouth (nothing worse then a unco tongue wriggling in their mouth - especially if you want to get another kiss after your first)

LIPS when shes not looking, quickly lick your lips gently with your tongue to moisten them first - the first touch should be warm and sweet, a dry lip on a wet lip will just feel awkward - really good if your lips can caress eachothers unhindered - moisture lets you do this.

Close your eyes - its cool to make out with eyes open and see whose watching you kiss a nice girl, but honestly - first kiss with romance and all that - close your eyes and just feel what is happening.

Your the man, so if someones tongue goes into someone elses mouth, it should be yours in hers.

If she puts her tongue in your mouth, use your lips like a vaguum and suck her tongue - it will surprise her where you learnt this trick :smile:

Also, a bit of stimulating 'pre makeout' foreplay, nubble her earlobe lightly with your lips and breath lightly over her ear - itll send shivers down her spine and melt her. If you want to pull out the big guns, tickle the tip of her nose with your eye lashes by flicking your eye open and closed repeatedly with just the tip of your lashes touching her nose.

BREATH sometimes when making out its hard to forget you need oxygen - if you dont want to spoil the moment coming up for air and pulling away - stop the tongue action, breath in but keep kissing her lips with yours to keep the moment savoury.

Also (guys who know me, stop reading now) if you have a friend equally inexperienced as yourself, who is a good friend and can keep a secret- practice on your mate !
Ive somehow made out with 2 of my guy friends in the last fornight on drunken adventures, and the only difference between kissing a guy and a girl is a guy usually gives you stubble burn.
On that note - have a close shave the morning you want to make your first move - dont chafe her face with 5 days of hair growth.

Let us know how it goes :smile: best of luck mate :biggrin:
Reply 10
Hey - best of luck with your first kiss with your girlfriend.

Dr Burry guide for kissing *only $1.95 at your local newsagent !

figure out what side you can roll your tongue, left or right - you will want to kiss with the flat top of your tongue on hers. So if your tongue can turn left for instance, tilt your head to the left when you kiss so your tongue can massage hers if you put it in her mouth (nothing worse then a unco tongue wriggling in their mouth - especially if you want to get another kiss after your first)

LIPS when shes not looking, quickly lick your lips gently with your tongue to moisten them first - the first touch should be warm and sweet, a dry lip on a wet lip will just feel awkward - really good if your lips can caress eachothers unhindered - moisture lets you do this.

Close your eyes - its cool to make out with eyes open and see whose watching you kiss a nice girl, but honestly - first kiss with romance and all that - close your eyes and just feel what is happening.

Your the man, so if someones tongue goes into someone elses mouth, it should be yours in hers.

If she puts her tongue in your mouth, use your lips like a vaguum and suck her tongue - it will surprise her where you learnt this trick :smile:

Also, a bit of stimulating 'pre makeout' foreplay, nubble her earlobe lightly with your lips and breath lightly over her ear - itll send shivers down her spine and melt her. If you want to pull out the big guns, tickle the tip of her nose with your eye lashes by flicking your eye open and closed repeatedly with just the tip of your lashes touching her nose.

BREATH sometimes when making out its hard to forget you need oxygen - if you dont want to spoil the moment coming up for air and pulling away - stop the tongue action, breath in but keep kissing her lips with yours to keep the moment savoury.

Also (guys who know me, stop reading now) if you have a friend equally inexperienced as yourself, who is a good friend and can keep a secret- practice on your mate !
Ive somehow made out with 2 of my guy friends in the last fornight on drunken adventures, and the only difference between kissing a guy and a girl is a guy usually gives you stubble burn.
On that note - have a close shave the morning you want to make your first move - dont chafe her face with 5 days of hair growth.

Let us know how it goes :smile: best of luck mate :biggrin:

is he supposed to memorize this? God give the guy a heart attack why dont you!
Reply 11
"If she puts her tongue in your mouth, use your lips like a vaguum and suck her tongue - it will surprise her where you learnt this trick "

I personally wouldn't recommend this for a first kiss... I would be quite scared...
Hey - best of luck with your first kiss with your girlfriend.

Close your eyes - its cool to make out with eyes open and see whose watching you kiss a nice girl, but honestly - first kiss with romance and all that - close your eyes and just feel what is happening.

Let us know how it goes :smile: best of luck mate :biggrin:

Have you not noticed how weird it feels kissing with your eyes open, its just feels so wrong, definately close your eyes.
Reply 13
Reply 14
Have you not noticed how weird it feels kissing with your eyes open, its just feels so wrong, definately close your eyes.

Yeah LOL I did it to my boyfriend before.
1. He freaked out a bit.
2. It makes the other person look a bit like an alien/cyclops when you're that close. Try it, it really does.

youll love me forever.
Reply 16
"If she puts her tongue in your mouth, use your lips like a vaguum and suck her tongue - it will surprise her where you learnt this trick "

I personally wouldn't recommend this for a first kiss... I would be quite scared...

Me too and i'd definately pull away! A bit of gentle biting is fine but sucking? What the hell!

For me my first kiss just came naturally and it wasnt too bad! Just start slowly with light kises dont go diving in with tongue action as soon as she tilts her dead!! :smile:
Reply 17
only 5 days until valentines day! I'll tell you how it goes...

dont go diving in with tongue action as soon as she tilts her dead!! :smile:

her dead??? I didn't know kisses could be fatal! :p:
Reply 18
only 5 days until valentines day! I'll tell you how it goes...

her dead??? I didn't know kisses could be fatal! :p:

If you suck they might be :wink:
Reply 19
ignore the step by step guides... my only guide: dont ram your tongue down her throat immediately. google this topic, there are quite a lot of advice pages on this (its not that seedy to google it :wink:) but just follow my rule if that's all you do. :smile: