The Student Room Group

Lump on my arm

Hi, I'll try to be as descriptive as possible. On my left forearm, about 8cm above my elbow (so that if i touch my shoulder with my hand, the lump is facing directly outward), I have a lump under my skin, which I don't think has ever been there before. It doesn't hurt to poke, and it is only really noticable when i clench my arm back (by touching my shouler or something). If I poke it, it feels soft, but if I have my arm clenched it is reasonably hard. To me that suggests that it is a vein, but it doesn't really look like a vein, though it could just be a weird shape vein. Additionally, if I pull the skin the lump stays in the same place, whereas if you pull the skin over a vein the vein moves as well. I've been doing a lot more weights lately, and can lift a lot heavier, if that makes any difference. I noticed it in the gym in the mirror, and it put me off doing weights loads. Could it be a lymph or something?

Anyway, I imagine it is nothing at all and completely unserious, and it is one of my least pressing worries, but if anyone knows what it could be that would be nice, thanks for any ideas!
Reply 1
Have you had a bruise there any time recently? If so, then it could be because of that, I have a lump in my arm as a result of a deep muscle bruise, but as you said it was soft and doesn't hurt to press then maybe not
Reply 2
Visit the doctors. Yoda knows all.
Reply 3
Hi, I'll try to be as descriptive as possible. On my left forearm, about 8cm above my elbow (so that if i touch my shoulder with my hand, the lump is facing directly outward), I have a lump under my skin, which I don't think has ever been there before. It doesn't hurt to poke, and it is only really noticable when i clench my arm back (by touching my shouler or something). If I poke it, it feels soft, but if I have my arm clenched it is reasonably hard. To me that suggests that it is a vein, but it doesn't really look like a vein, though it could just be a weird shape vein. Additionally, if I pull the skin the lump stays in the same place, whereas if you pull the skin over a vein the vein moves as well. I've been doing a lot more weights lately, and can lift a lot heavier, if that makes any difference. I noticed it in the gym in the mirror, and it put me off doing weights loads. Could it be a lymph or something?

Anyway, I imagine it is nothing at all and completely unserious, and it is one of my least pressing worries, but if anyone knows what it could be that would be nice, thanks for any ideas!

Hmm....if the lump doesn't move when you move the skin I suggest you go to the doctors to be on the safe side.
Go to the doctors and get checked out, just for peace of mind
Reply 5
;doctor; or at least call NHS Direct. :smile:
Reply 6
gah im always going to the doctors lol
I think it sounds like Ghanglion! I had the same and it is nth dangerous. I had a little ball on my arm. There are 2 ways to get rid of it - operation or punction. I made punction, but it came back again. I wont do punction one more time, since it was rather stressful. It doesnt bother me or give me any pain, and it is not so noticeble. Here u can read more. -
No sorry, just trying to prove that TSR diagnosis isn't fool-proof.
Reply 9
No sorry, just trying to prove that TSR diagnosis isn't fool-proof.

i don't expect a ****ing professional opinion from tsr u ****, i'm looking for some ideas or possibly someone in a similar position, as i don't deem it serious enough to go to the doctors, as i appear to spend every ****ing day down the doctors. do you think everyone is stupid?
Calm down! I didn't think it was a ganglion because I have one, but it's generally in areas that get repetitively stimulated.
Reply 11
ganglions usually occur around joints I think, don't quote me on that. If you're worried about it go get it checked out
Reply 12
ganglions usually occur around joints I think, don't quote me on that. If you're worried about it go get it checked out

yeah that was what i thought. it could just be a random fatty lump though, my dad has one too :/. i'm not really worried about it, just interested to know what it could be.