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Ok, my boyfriend just told me he loves me. I'm in shock since we have only been seeing each other two weeks on monday and I've only known him 3 weeks.

I think it's waaaaay too soon, but I feel bad for not able to say it back....

I know that I dont have to say it back and he told me I dont, but I feel kinda guilty....

What's the big deal with love anyway? Hearts end up getting broken so what's the point of putting yourself though it? I feel in love once and I have to say, even though it was almost 4 years ago, I'm still not over him.

Usually I fall for people quite quick, but this time I haven't... Is it wrong to fall in love too quick?

In a way, I'm scared to love *again*, I just can't take the heart break, I have too much to deal with without having to be in love. I'm too young to have a full-on relationship but I do want it to mean something...

I slept with him after 3 days (trust me I regretted it big time!), and I think it's made him fall for me more, but it didn't change much for me at all really...

I can't see our relationship lasting very long, a few months, maybe more, so I don't wanna fall in love and get my heart broken, or break his.

URG!!!!!!!!! I'm soo confused! I guess I'm just scared to move too fast, although sleeping with him after 3 days maybe does it a bit far...

What you guys think?

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Ok, my boyfriend just told me he loves me. I'm in shock since we have only been seeing each other two weeks on monday and I've only known him 3 weeks.

I think it's waaaaay too soon, but I feel bad for not able to say it back....

I know that I dont have to say it back and he told me I dont, but I feel kinda guilty....

What's the big deal with love anyway? Hearts end up getting broken so what's the point of putting yourself though it? I feel in love once and I have to say, even though it was almost 4 years ago, I'm still not over him.

Usually I fall for people quite quick, but this time I haven't... Is it wrong to fall in love too quick?

In a way, I'm scared to love *again*, I just can't take the heart break, I have too much to deal with without having to be in love. I'm too young to have a full-on relationship but I do want it to mean something...

I slept with him after 3 days (trust me I regretted it big time!), and I think it's made him fall for me more, but it didn't change much for me at all really...

I can't see our relationship lasting very long, a few months, maybe more, so I don't wanna fall in love and get my heart broken, or break his.

URG!!!!!!!!! I'm soo confused! I guess I'm just scared to move too fast, although sleeping with him after 3 days maybe does it a bit far...

What you guys think?

I think that previous experiences (your past love) is affecting your judgement a little. You need to take a step back, look at the situation and think about the time you have spent together so far and work out if you are happy with how things have been going, then make an evaluation (keep in mind it has only been 2-3 weeks though). Ask yourself questions such as: Do i really like this guy? Do i enjoy our time together? Does he make me smile? That sort of thing.

Once you have worked that out, you can make a clearer judgement. Remember, nobody is the same, every person is unique and different, so don't base your past heart break on your decision, whatever you decide. As for him saying he loves you, maybe he does love you? It's not uncommon for people to fall in love quickly (even if it has only been 2-3weeks) Some people just click, and maybe that is how he feels. You have to look at it from his point of view, too.

If you feel uneasy about him saying "i love you" then obviously there is a problem and you need to take a step back from the situation and have a good think about what you want. But if his words don't make you feel uneasy, only a little guilty for not being able to say "i love you too" then don't worry too much about it. The guy has clearly stated he doesn't expect you to say it back, as he knows (and we all do) not everyone develops emotions or feelings as quick as others.

Talk to him and tell him how you feel and about your past experiences, he sounds an understanding guy to say "i don't expect you to say it back" Have a chat with him, and see how it goes. If he is truly understanding, then he will be patient and not push you, if he isn't, then maybe you need to think about ending it, as clearly it's bothering you.

Good Luck :smile:
Reply 2
Loves Lip Gloss
I think that previous experiences (your past love) is affecting your judgement a little. You need to take a step back, look at the situation and think about the time you have spent together so far and work out if you are happy with how things have been going, then make an evaluation (keep in mind it has only been 2-3 weeks though). Ask yourself questions such as: Do i really like this guy? Do i enjoy our time together? Does he make me smile? That sort of thing.

Once you have worked that out, you can make a clearer judgement. Remember, nobody is the same, every person is unique and different, so don't base your past heart break on your decision, whatever you decide. As for him saying he loves you, maybe he does love you? It's not uncommon for people to fall in love quickly (even if it has only been 2-3weeks) Some people just click, and maybe that is how he feels. You have to look at it from his point of view, too.

If you feel uneasy about him saying "i love you" then obviously there is a problem and you need to take a step back from the situation and have a good think about what you want. But if his words don't make you feel uneasy, only a little guilty for not being able to say "i love you too" then don't worry too much about it. The guy has clearly stated he doesn't expect you to say it back, as he knows (and we all do) not everyone develops emotions or feelings as quick as others.

Talk to him and tell him how you feel and about your past experiences, he sounds an understanding guy to say "i don't expect you to say it back" Have a chat with him, and see how it goes. If he is truly understanding, then he will be patient and not push you, if he isn't, then maybe you need to think about ending it, as clearly it's bothering you.

Good Luck :smile:

You know, I've asked my best mate about this and he didn't give me half the advice you did :rolleyes:. Thanks so much dudette! :smile:
Ermm, i'm a dude, not a dudette :p: And you're very welcome
Reply 4
Loves Lip Gloss
Ermm, i'm a dude[...]

...who loves lip gloss?

Good advice though.
Reply 5
...who loves lip gloss?

Surely that's the reason that women wear lipgloss though?
Reply 6
I love you too, dude. :p:

OP, I wouldn't worry too much about your boyfriend saying he loves you. Love is such an over-used and misused word, and it means different things to different people. When you're getting into a new relationship, it's good to keep an open mind and be optimistic. It's ok to fall in love, even if your heart is shattered in the process. The happiest people are the ones who can fall in love again and again, and don't let one bad experience put them off for life.
Reply 7
Surely that's the reason that women wear lipgloss though?

Good point - I thought he loved lip gloss on his own lips.
Reply 8
Good point - I thought he loved lip gloss on his own lips.

:biggrin: I like the way your mind works!
Reply 9
I think it's his avatar.

I mean... if he loves lip gloss on girls, he'd have a picture of some girl's glossed lips.

But there's a picture of lipgloss. So presumably he just loves lip gloss.
Reply 10
Well he's a member of the LGBT Soc, and I know a loada gay guys who wear lip gloss. It's a gay thing :wink:

And sorry about dudette lol, didn't see a female sign and just took lip gloss as a girl, but wicked :biggrin:
Reply 11
I think it's his avatar.

I mean... if he loves lip gloss on girls, he'd have a picture of some girl's glossed lips.

But there's a picture of lipgloss. So presumably he just loves lip gloss.

Hm, you have a point. Well, fair enough...I wear my boyfriends t-shirts and stuff when I'm just mooching around the house, maybe he's just taken it to a whole new level...
Reply 12
Hm, you have a point. Well, fair enough...I wear my boyfriends t-shirts and stuff when I'm just mooching around the house, maybe he's just taken it to a whole new level...

He is G A Y!!!!!!!!! Look at his Soc's... :biggrin:
Hmm - I think that's waay to early to start saying 'I love you' and meaning it in the way it's meant to be said tbh. Has this guy had many other previous relationships? If not, it could be just that he's saying it because he thinks that's what all couples say to each other. You've had a yardstick (a previous feeling of what being in love feels like) in your last relationship too, so if you'r enot feeling it, don't say it back - there's nothing wrong with that. And don't worry - I don't think sleeping with him so soon would make him fall hopelessly in love with you - more just desperately in lust :p: x

p.s - I love lipgloss too - I'm with you lipgloss dude! In fact, I'm glad that there's a guy who does - my boyfriend hates it and then deliberately kisses me all over my face in a sticky revenge :wink: x
lol @ you lot! OK, yer i'm gay and yer i wear clear lipgloss and as for Wez's comment, hush and try some yourself, you'd look all pretty n stuff :p:
Reply 15
He is G A Y!!!!!!!!! Look at his Soc's... :biggrin:

But there's SOOO much effort involved in that. Anyway, I'm supposed to be writing an essay...
Reply 16
Loves Lip Gloss
lol @ you lot! OK, yer i'm gay and yer i wear clear lipgloss and as for Wez's comment, hush and try some yourself, you'd look all pretty n stuff :p:

I wore it one night for a party, well not just that.. a skirt, red bra and high-heels - drag night :biggrin: never again :P
Reply 17
Hmm - I think that's waay to early to start saying 'I love you' and meaning it in the way it's meant to be said tbh. Has this guy had many other previous relationships? If not, it could be just that he's saying it because he thinks that's what all couples say to each other. You've had a yardstick (a previous feeling of what being in love feels like) in your last relationship too, so if you'r enot feeling it, don't say it back - there's nothing wrong with that. And don't worry - I don't think sleeping with him so soon would make him fall hopelessly in love with you - more just desperately in lust :p: x

p.s - I love lipgloss too - I'm with you lipgloss dude! In fact, I'm glad that there's a guy who does - my boyfriend hates it and then deliberately kisses me all over my face in a sticky revenge :wink: x

Yeah I see what you mean, thanks :biggrin:

n lol about ur BF :P
I wore it one night for a party, well not just that.. a skirt, red bra and high-heels - drag night :biggrin: never again :P

lol :biggrin: awww, got the pics to share? i bet you look so cute :p:
Reply 19
Loves Lip Gloss
lol :biggrin: awww, got the pics to share? i bet you look so cute :p:

LOL :P there might be some on my Bebo (linky in my siggy), can't remember if I put them up...:s-smilie: