Ok, my boyfriend just told me he loves me. I'm in shock since we have only been seeing each other two weeks on monday and I've only known him 3 weeks.
I think it's waaaaay too soon, but I feel bad for not able to say it back....
I know that I dont have to say it back and he told me I dont, but I feel kinda guilty....
What's the big deal with love anyway? Hearts end up getting broken so what's the point of putting yourself though it? I feel in love once and I have to say, even though it was almost 4 years ago, I'm still not over him.
Usually I fall for people quite quick, but this time I haven't... Is it wrong to fall in love too quick?
In a way, I'm scared to love *again*, I just can't take the heart break, I have too much to deal with without having to be in love. I'm too young to have a full-on relationship but I do want it to mean something...
I slept with him after 3 days (trust me I regretted it big time!), and I think it's made him fall for me more, but it didn't change much for me at all really...
I can't see our relationship lasting very long, a few months, maybe more, so I don't wanna fall in love and get my heart broken, or break his.
URG!!!!!!!!! I'm soo confused! I guess I'm just scared to move too fast, although sleeping with him after 3 days maybe does it a bit far...
What you guys think?