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Calculator giving wrong answers when calculating standard deviation :s

I have a TI-84 Plus, and when calculating standard deviation using it it gives the wrong answers.

For example, it says the standard deviation of 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 is 2.160246899 when the actual answer is 2.

All other values are similarly abit too high.

Does anyone have any ideas why this is, and how to fix it?
Reply 1
You are calculating the sample standard deviation, the calculator appears to be calculating an estimator of the population deviation from the sample. Are you using the correct calculator function?

σn2=x2nxˉ2n\sigma_n^2 = \frac{\sum{x^2} - n\bar{x}^2}{n}

σn12=x2nxˉ2n1\sigma_{n-1}^2 = \frac{\sum{x^2} - n\bar{x}^2}{n-1}
Reply 2
The calculator only has the one function for standard deviation :frown:

Bit of a pain when it cost nearly £100...
Reply 3
Isn't there a difference in using 1-var-stat and 2-var-stat?
Reply 4
The calculator only has the one function for standard deviation :frown:

Bit of a pain when it cost nearly £100...

I am sure that it can calculate the s.d. of a population as well as a sample. Have you consulted the manual? :smile:
Reply 5
Assuming that your cacl is something like the TI84 plus, then according to here:

the statistical variable known as Sx is the sample s.d. and the variable known as σx\sigma x is the population s.d.