I met this girl around 5 months ago when we moved into the same halls of residence at our first year of uni. She currently had a boyfriend but they split up within a couple of weeks of term due to assuming the long distance thing wouldn't work.
I became very close to her and although nothing was official, we were pretty much seeing eachother for maybe 3 weeks. Thru that time though, the ex bf was texting her non stop, begging for her back and whatever we had, cooled off. She told me she needed longer to get over him but in the end she decided to give the long distance thing a try. I wasn't pleased but she was so upset that she had hurt me that I carried on being civil to her and before long we were just very close friends.
Since then, we've pulled a couple of times on some drunken nights out but she's always thought nothing of it. I thought she was either unconsciously or consciously stringing me along in case things went sour so consequently since xmas i've made sure nothing else happened between us.
Anyway... she split up with her bf last week! Can't say that i don't have that 'told u so' feeling but of course i'm gona be there for her, how any other friend would.
My question is, what are the chances something could happen between us now? I'm not in a rush to get things moving... just wondering how i should play it really.
Thanks for reading if u got this far and I'd love to read any of your thoughts