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Lump on the side of my face- really worried

This morning I discovered Ive got a lump on the side of my face, under the skin. Its on the side of my face, probably half way up, next to my ear. (Where the jaw goes up along the ear). Its under the skin and is hard, but when I touch it I can feel it moving. It feels about the size of a pea.

I have nothing whatsoever like this on the other side so its definately not normal, and Ive never noticed it before. Ive had a slight ache in the area for the last few days and it feels a bit numb, which is why I noticed it.

I have no idea what this is, but it cant be normal surely? I cant get to the doctors until Tuesday so I guess Im just looking for some help before then.
Reply 1
Could it not just be like a pimple under the skin?
Reply 2
No I dont think so, I can actually see/feel the lump sticking out when my jaw is in a certain position, like when Im eating.
Reply 3
Don't rule out Flash's theory, it could very well be a pimple under the skin causing an ache, rather than anything serious. But as anyone will tell you, only a doctor can tell you for sure.
Reply 4
I've got something very similar on my face. It appeared a few years ago and its caused the skin over the top of it to look white. Its about the size of a pea and solid.

Its not really that noticeable but i am a bit paranoid about it :redface: I've never been to the doctors about mine, i assumed they'd just say they can do either nothing or they'd remove it - which i really wouldnt like!
Reply 5
I've got something very similar on my face. It appeared a few years ago and its caused the skin over the top of it to look white. Its about the size of a pea and solid.

Lol glad Im not alone!! :biggrin:

I just have no idea what it is, Ive felt it again and it actually feels like its along my jaw. I think there are some glands in that area so I guess it could be that but I dont feel ill or anything so I dont see how, and Ive never had it before. I guess Im just worried as my dad had mouth cancer a few years ago which started with a random lump and ever since then Ive been a bit paranoid if I ever get any lumps (which isnt very often!).

Think I'll see my GP on Tues if it doesnt go, it just feels weird though, like something floating around inside my face, as it actually moves when I touch it! :eek:
Reply 6
Mines about an in away from my ear lobe and moves too.

I'd be interested what they say at the doctors about yours as mine could be a similar thing :smile:
Reply 7
it could just be the parotid gland?
Reply 8
Is there one of them on both sides of the face? As I dont have anything on the other side, it feels normal. Is it possible it could be swollen then?
This morning I discovered Ive got a lump on the side of my face, under the skin. Its on the side of my face, probably half way up, next to my ear. (Where the jaw goes up along the ear). Its under the skin and is hard, but when I touch it I can feel it moving. It feels about the size of a pea.

I have nothing whatsoever like this on the other side so its definately not normal, and Ive never noticed it before. Ive had a slight ache in the area for the last few days and it feels a bit numb, which is why I noticed it.

I have no idea what this is, but it cant be normal surely? I cant get to the doctors until Tuesday so I guess Im just looking for some help before then.

its probably a lymph node
Reply 10
i have that too but i think its just a gland.
Reply 11
I have a similar-sounding thing jut under my sideburn on the right hand side of my face. Dunno, could that be a gland as well?
I thought that too once but discovered that it was just that I clench my teeth a lot and have laods of chewing gum meaning that the muscle in the place that you are talking about got bigger because the more you use a muscle the bigger it gets. It could be that or the parotid glan. If you are really worried book an appointment with a doctor to get it checked out.
Good luck
Reply 13
if its a swollen lymph node
antibiotics will take the swelling right away =]
i thought the general thing with lumps was if they moved (ie are not attached to bones or anything), they tend not to be cause for concern. look at the skin above the lump, if you can see a slight indentation or black dot, it's probably a clogged pore. i had a similar thing recently and asked my doctor about it... and that's what it turned out to be.
It might be a harmless Sebaceous_cyst