The Student Room Group

UCL Maths Good/Bad????

Well i wanted to ask anyone who currently does maths at ucl 1st/2nd/3rd year or above, any is ok, about how you find the lecturers there and the general atmosphere especially the maths block and lecture halls. When I went there on an open day I found the lecture room very bland and unwelcoming and in need of some desperate TLC. But the admin tutor said that 1st years will have there’s in the Chem. lecturer rooms, so was thinking if they were any good.
Any information on the course and department in general is grateful.
Reply 1
I HAVE A Lot of friends doing maths, but i dont do itmyself. HOwever i'm always around the maths area because of the atmosphere (the bars are there). I talk to my firends and they say the standard of lectures are excellent and i havent really heard them complain about the rooms tbh. Well hope that helped!!!!!!!:smile:
Reply 2
Very interesting thread, good questions, more answers please :P
Reply 3
Yes, very good thread; considering I am hoping to put UCL as my firm.

Surley there is someone out there who does maths who can elucidate further.
Reply 4
well, does it really matter how welcoming your lecture halls are, yes u will be spending alot of time there, but u'll probably be more busy taking notes or something like that (if u actually turn up). but personally i think that the university environment outside the classroom is more important, and i know for a fact that thats amazing as many of my friends go there at the moment
Reply 5
ummm i am first year maths.

will be honest. Nothing like A level maths, hate it completely... dont know y i chose this damn course! lecturers are good. [bar 1... wont mention names]

lecture theatres, chem auditorium is nice and big.

Darwin is old and crusty.

will reply tomoz [if i remember] in more detail!:rolleyes:
Reply 6
ummm i am first year maths.

will be honest. Nothing like A level maths, hate it completely... dont know y i chose this damn course! lecturers are good. [bar 1... wont mention names]

lecture theatres, chem auditorium is nice and big.

Darwin is old and crusty.

will reply tomoz [if i remember] in more detail!:rolleyes:

Hey NP Desi! (I'm in his class) I posted it before, i have a few friends who kind of regret taking the maths degree, (myself included) the work is very boring, hard and you really have to WANT to do it, its not no longer something that you do because you are good at it, you really have to work at it! When doing the work you really do have to motivate yourself to do it. I think KCL maths is a lot easier in comparison so if you want a "proper" uni lifestyle but with a Maths degree then KCL is for you. Do not forget that Maths has the highest dropout rate as it is probably the hardest degree out there. I have had a rant about UCL maths :redface:, look in my thread i have made.
Im a first year at UCL doing straight mathematics. It is one of the hardest things things I have come across in my life. The degree is very abstract and alot of the work is mind boggling........I would have to agree with the person who posted before me that if you want a crazy first year then KCL is for you cause the degree there is alot easier.......only thing is if you have any ambition what so ever in life then you would come to UCL....cause a degree from UCL in mathematics is rated highly....unlike one from KCL!!!!

Also I feel as though you can have the crazy uni life.....alot of us are now suffering for it but I think we will get there in the end!! The social life at UCL is really good!! Student nights around london are amazing and the people that you meet at UCL are nice!! (They are of a certain class and intellectual level as opposed to KCL)

I would say come to UCL if you have the chance otherwise you will regret it!!! You would rather go to a top 5 uni rather than a top 10 uni!!!
Reply 8
ummm i am first year maths.

will be honest. Nothing like A level maths, hate it completely... dont know y i chose this damn course! lecturers are good. [bar 1... wont mention names]

lecture theatres, chem auditorium is nice and big.

Darwin is old and crusty.

will reply tomoz [if i remember] in more detail!:rolleyes:

Whats so bad about the maths?
from what people have told me, very abstract, confusing, damn hard and extreme level of motivation and work is needed for success, as previousy stated by the above posts. I no people who are drpping out of maths and going elsewhere to do less strenous degrees. It seems this maths course si only right for someone who is not just willing to rely on their natural ability.
Reply 10
i am doin first year Econ/Stats degree which includes loads of Stats and a general Maths as well...i don think the lecturers are at all capable of teaching the courses bcoz the math taught is too difficult and they themselves dont understand half of the things they teach! just my opinion...DO NOT do a mathematical degree no matter how good u r in maths coz u'll b surprised at urself when u start doin university math...the rest is for u to decide, all the very best!