The Student Room Group

silly lie

I havent had proper driving lessons till now, I turned 17 last july and my parents have been teaching me till now because I am saving up.

The problem is virtually everyone else in my college is/was having driving lessons so when they said who are you with, I just said I am with west point. Now some of them have them aswell. My main worry now is that I am about to get proper lessons so if my instructor already has people from my college too then he/she may say o hes just started, do you know who he is.

I am just very scared about what to say if the situation arrises.
You could say you had to change intructor or something. Dont worry too much i doubt they will remember these little things :wink:
Reply 2
Hmm, just avoid the topic? If you can't then just say 'oh I ended up getting my dad/mum to teach me in the end, after (insert problem/inconvenience with West Point here)'
Also, don't lie about stupid stuff in future. Actually don't lie in general. :smile:
Reply 3
why couldnt you just say you parents were teaching you? :confused:
Reply 4
To be honest I think most driving instructors have a memory like a sieve! Mine could never remember who I was even though he saw me every week and he used to ask me the same questions every time :s-smilie: I doubt they will be telling other pupils who has started with them on the off chance they know them. Like sugarsweet said there are ways to cover it up and I doubt anyone will think that hard about it to make the connection anyway!
Yeah don't worry about it. And next time , don't bother making silly lies :smile:
Reply 6
Oh, but isn't driving cool! I got my provisional yesterday morning and I've been making my dad take me driving ever since. I've already stalled at traffic lights! :biggrin:
(It feels like I'm stalking you, Philosoraptor! You're everywhere I am)
Tell 'em you got your parents to give you lessons 'cos it's cheaper than an instructor.
Hehe, I'm just everywhere don't worry!
Reply 9
well I said my parents were giving me lessons in the first place but then after a few months I said west point are now.
Reply 10
You could tell your instructor not to say anything! i am sure he/she will keep it confidential! however you shouldn't lie to your friends. learning with your parents is still practice which is good mate!!!
To be honest, even if your friends or whoever found out, what's the big deal?! I'm sure they won't actually care. Its not like you lied about cheating on someone or anything.
#badger# Exactly!
Reply 13
Hmm, just avoid the topic? If you can't then just say 'oh I ended up getting my dad/mum to teach me in the end, after (insert problem/inconvenience with West Point here)'
Also, don't lie about stupid stuff in future. Actually don't lie in general. :smile:

yep: what comes around goes around.

but that's a small problem, OP. You'd probably only get a mosquito bite or something for that lie. :p:
Reply 14
I just can't understand why you had to lie about something so petty... infact, I can't understand why people lie at all.

Just make up some excuse like having your instructor changed or something.

I hope you've learnt your lesson. (No pun intended!)
Reply 15
When I started having lessons I asked my instructor not to discuss how I was getting on or anything to anyone else so I didnt have any pressure on me when it come to taking my test because no one knew about it, so when I failed the first time I didnt have any embarrassment.