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its stupid. thats what the danger is.
weight that comes off too quickly is more likely to get back on. eat a sensible diet and exercise.
Reply 2
yeh i agree. Just eat normally, do sit ups and go for a jog every night and you'll lose weight really quickly!
Reply 3
I have done exactly what you are doing....and i lost 3 stone...woohoo!....then put 4 back on. Dont go down that road, u wil just get more and more extreme until it consumes you. You dont need to eat so little, u can lose weight by eating double that amount quite happily. As for the dangers....well the end result is all ur organs packing up and u dying. U wood be surprised just how quickly that starts as well. Take it from someone who knows what you're going through, take a safer route. Follow a weight watchers plan or something and go for a run first thing in the morning (revs up ur metabolism so ur burning fat all day) and the weight will drop off.
Dammit why cant i follow my own advice???
Reply 4
Please don't do that. You may well just end up binging, or in the worst case scenario, developing anorexia nervousa :eek: Try and lose weight the conventional way - it is a LOT better. :biggrin:
Reply 5
You do realise you're going to put all the weight back on, plus more, when you go back to eating normally?

You're body will go into starvation mode and cling onto all the fat it can... you need to eat properly coz you're hindering your progress eating just 500 calories a day.

I suggest you read and post in the fitness forum... there's some very good advice in there and I assure you that people will be able to give you some guidance about how to lose weight the proper way, combining healthy eating and exercise.
Reply 6
Fainting and scurvy?

It's selfish people like you fainting on the tube that holds up the transport system you know. Don't be so ridiculous.
The fact you are asking what the dangers are, shows that you don't even want to do it. Follow a sensible diet & exercise suggested by above posters and you'll lose weight.
Reply 8
Well for starters, that won't make you lose any weight. More likely it will make you retain or even gain weight.

Missing meals can make your system act as if you really were starving, by making it a priority to lay down fat when you do eat. So your body will store whatever food you give it, rather that burning the fat off. The other problem with trying to lose weight this way is that a high proportion of any weight you lose will be water and muscle instead of excess fat.

The best way to lose weight is a sensible eating plan, with exercise. Eat a good low fat healthy breakfast, a sensible lunch and a good helping of dinner.
Reply 9
I could do with a strict regime like that.... however it's just plain bad for you. The best thing you can do is eat 3 proper meals a day and exercise. The weight comes off gradually and STAYS off!

(I really should take my own advice...)
Reply 10
Im on a really strict diet, i want to lose weight, puppy fat, my stomach.
Im only drinking water and cutting myself down to 500calories a day.
500 calories is basically one proper meal a day, and nothing else.

What are the dangers of doing this?

Don't do that to yourself, unless you're sole objective of dieting is losing weight and not remaining fit.. which is the worst you can do to yourself.

Eat less but healthy. and do drink LOTS of water.
Reply 11
If you follow that diet you'll loose muscle and retain fat (which I'm sure is not what you want). All you really need to do is to eat a little less, exercise a little more and maintain a healthy balanced diet.

Do that and you should get the effects that you want :smile:
Well now that's just silly.

Eat little & often - 300 calories, five times a day. Drink water, and exercise out more calories than you're consuming. Simple logic.
(edited 12 years ago)
i am glad that i have stumbled across this thread.

currently, i am on about a 700 cal diet...(only been doing it for 2 days now)

but now i realise the bad affects, i am definitely going to stop.

already, i feel weak and i know i am not getting enough nutrients.

and i am not fat - i just have a big bum which i want to get rid of! :redface:
Reply 15
I did what youre doing years ago. I lost the puppy fat I needed to then but then again I also think it was cuz I was growing up. Either way, its ****ing stupid. Don't do it.

Just eat healthily and excesise daily. Don't eat any junk at all. If you really are freaking out to loose wait. At least eat fruit druing the day and a decent meal at night. Nothing but water too.
Def, don't do it! Am really glad it made you realise:smile: Really truly is not worth it- the best thing would be loads of squats etc- you'll be sorted in no time!
Reply 17
That is the worst thing you can do.

500 calories will put you into starvation mode.

A female needs 1200 calories a day to survive, that is for organs to function correctly, regulate body heat etc, not even factoring in calories needed for movement. They say the average female needs 2000 calories a day for a reason you know!

If you eat less than 1200 your body thinks it is in danger of not surviving and therefore puts your metabolism into 'starvation mode' in which your metabolism decreases.

Eating 500 calories a day is just silly, not only from a health point of view but from a weight loss point of view because when you eventually eat normally again (and believe me, you will, nobody can live off 500 calories for the rest of their life!) you will just put all the weight back on and more.

If you want to loose weight properly, eat 1500 calories a day. You will loose about 1lb a week. It may seem slow but then when you go back to normal you will not put any weight back on, you will just stop loosing.

(PS: I assume you are a female, if you are a male 1200 becomes 1500 to survive, and 1500 becomes 2000 to loose weight)
The absolute minimum you should eat is 1200 calories per day. Lower than that and your metabolism will slow down and your body will think it is being starved and cling on to every bit of fat it can.
Im on a really strict diet, i want to lose weight, puppy fat, my stomach.
Im only drinking water and cutting myself down to 500calories a day.
500 calories is basically one proper meal a day, and nothing else.

What are the dangers of doing this?

Stretch marks :s-smilie:

Oh yeah and the stuff everyone else said about messing up your body...