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Reply 1
i have never been diagnosed with depression so i cant speak from a point of view where clinical diagnosis has been made but i know that when i am feeling stressed or depressed or any overwhelming emotions have got to me going out for a long run does much more than anything else ive tried, even sometimes talking to friends as then you stew over the problem instead of sweating it out.
it also depends on whether you are ok to do exercise though, as if you are dead when you finish that only gives you another excuse to beat yourself up with as you are too unfit for anything
I'd say so - if nothing else, exercising means endorphins get released into your bloodstream, which make you feel good:
Apparently it does - endorphins I guess - but I haven't really noticed any difference. Probably far more likely to help if its regular excersise though (which is something I definitely don't practice).
I feel emotionally better after exercise most of the time. The body creates endorphines which is makes your body feel happy. So ye, it works.
Reply 5
its helped me
some reason it gets all that anger out that you have built up in yourself even tho i dont get aggressive during the work out. i felt better in myself aswel
It's proven that it can do. It raises my moods, releases 'happy' hormones...

When you exercise on a regular basis, you're getting physically and mentally fitter, and so, looking good and feeling fresh and relaxed mentally, are obviously benefical results.

So, yes, undoubtedly.
Reply 7
Exercise releases endorphins, endorphins make you happy.:smile:
Reply 8
yes, well it helps me
Reply 9
It works for me most of the time. When I feel depressed I go for a run along the beach, while listening to my favourite songs.
It really makes you feel good about yourself because you've got out the house and achieved something. And a nice shower afterwards is the icing on the cake :smile:
Reply 10
When I'm unhappy about something I hit the gym and work out. It makes me concentrate on something else. And can sometimes help me think through problems.
It also makes my body look better (to me) and that in turn makes me feel better. (I haven't been diagnosed with depression but as everyone does I get down at times..)

It releases things which make you happy naturally within your brain!

Give it a try and find out, make sure you don't overwork yourself so you are hurting after. and do it often.
Hmm it of course depends upon whether we're on about being down, or having clinical depression- but I suppose you're on about the latter. There are some people for whom biological treatments work (i.e. drugs), and if this is the case, then exercise should have a positive effect by increasing the wonderful serotonin in the brain. However, some people seem to be only treatable using psychological techniques (i.e. counselling), and so it may not be true for all. There again, I suppose, exercise does also give the opportunity to, albeit temporarily, take one's mind off the situation, which could provide some cognitive help.

So, the short answer? Maybe.
Not sure if this should be here or in fitness, i guess it applys to both.
Basically does regular exercise really help with depression?? Just curious if theres anyone here who has found exercise has helped with there depression and how much did it help???

apparently it does exercise is supposed to release serotonin (sp) which is the 'happy hormone' truthfully I played football and still was told I had depression - it just made me more angry on the pitch but for some people it helps.
Reply 13
Yes, particularly sports. I find if im in a bad mood, and i go to practise i feel much better afterwards.
Reply 14
if i lied in bed all day or spent all day watching tv i'd feel pretty depressed, so yes

not that im superman or anythin, just its important to stay active, mentally and physically

think of depression from an evolutionary standpoint... your brain is punishing you for not doing what is important for your survival, ie being active and healthy (i know its not as simple as that, but this is still true on a basic level)
it can help a fair bit - just by taking your mind off your problems. Also - you feel better knowing that having hit the gym, you're doing something for yourself thats really good for you ...
It can help but personally i find that after exercise, unless i've worn myself down to the point that i can collapse and fall asleep the depression begins to worm its way back. But we're all different so *shrug*

Oh and don't exercise too much, or make sure to stretch loads before exercising. Nothing is worse than exhausting yourself one day and then waking up in the morning with everything aching and being unable to move for a couple of days. Kinda defeats the point if you get my drift :redface:

Its just another distraction, it'll help stifle depression but it certainly won't cure it, for that you'll need to solve whats making you depressed. Good luck and i hope things work out for you! :hugs:
I think it does. Before xmas I was really really low, possibly on the verge of depression. I found that just going out for a walk on my own helped. Exercise gives you something else to focus on, rather than concentrating on your feelings.
Reply 18
I have had depression twice and also suffer from SAD. My moods are literally all over the place and I spent last winter under the influence of prozac and, towards the end, copious amounts of alcohol.

I have just joined the gym because my depression is coming back. I will sit for an hour or two just staring at a wall in tears and some days I can't get out of bed. I can't face the world.

I find the gym a godsend. I live with my not so perfect fella which is soul destroying and I get really angry and frustrated without adding him to the mix. When I feel myself getting to the destructive point I find my jogging bottoms, gym card and a tee and escape to the gym. I do an hour and a half workout on the different machines watch myself in the mirror and think of my run in the summer. I literally bounce home. I am SO much happier. I sleep better, I chill out better and it's all round great.

On a downside I feel dead liberated and will stand up to people more, causing arguments.
Yes it does, I'm a bit depressed atm after coming across my ex-bullies at a night club recently, and while it's harder to get into fitness I am telling you it does help!! It makes you feel happier, well with me at least lol. Also hugging ppl helps too hehe :hugs: