The Student Room Group

Asking someone out around Valentine's

Is it a good idea, or a bad one? I know there's more chance of a single person saying yes, what with all the love in the air, or is that desperation?. Well what do people think, it just seems a bit messy asking someone out this close to Valentines. If we do go out tonight, does that mean we should go out Valentines night, or is that moving things too quickly. What are your thoughts?

Well I would have put this in the Valentines topic, but no single people ever reply there.
I'd say don't think about making your relationship dead-set "official going out day" kinda thing. Just enjoy (or carry on) dating for the moment, and let everything fall into place.
I'm in the process of going out with my best mate of 8 months or so, and we're letting it take us where it does, because it's so much easier, and more relaxed, rather than making something official, then thinking "woah what just happened there".

It'll work out in the end, however long you leave it, if it's meant to be.

Good luck! :smile:
Reply 2
Well, I'd say that if you were going to ask them out anyway, then go for it. Valentine's is just a commercialist con anyway.
I think it's fairly romantic...also if it goes wrong you can always say you got caught up in the moment!
Reply 4
Why? Why should I? Of course I am single but don't feel depressed, desperated, sad, or something. Its just a normal day for me.
I reckon it actually is quite romantic and the occasion could act as a kind of prompt.
Reply 6
I wish the guy I like would ask me out this Valentines.

Oh look, a flying pig. :rolleyes:

Go for it OP.
Reply 7
Aw, I think that's sweet.:biggrin:
Reply 8
I wished he'd ask me out for valentine's too...
Reply 9
omg.. valentines = card and chocolate company scam.

Hey, I gave up tryin to get the attention of the guy I fancy, it just ain't gna happen! Was hopin valentines day bein close mite make a difference. unfortunately not. don't life suc sometimes?
Reply 11
I personally don't like the idea of asking someone out around valentine's day. They'll only expect all that flowers bull**** which I think is pretty lame to be honest. Bit of a waste of money that could be spent having another night out!

As you can tell, i'm a true romantic.