The Student Room Group

Don't know how to feel...

Heres the situation. I'm single and have always been kind of single (had a relationshiip- didn't work out). Problem is, I haven't liked anyone properly for years. I feel kind of lonely now. It feels hard because a. i want a shoulder to cry on. B. I want to be able to talk to him, know hes always here. C. I want that feeling where you can both just stare at each other and have that feeling inside you.

I know and most of the time I am kinda happy that i'm single, because I can be free etc and love does hurt (i should know)...i just wanted to let that out...
I'm at the stage that i wish i was in the position of being infatuated with someone again :biggrin: Last time was at university, an occasion i ****ed up big time :rolleyes: :redface: , but yep, sometimes it's better to be emotionally involved, even after ****ing up big time....

i.e. Better to have loved and lost rather than having never loved - going by this particular philosophy! :wink:

So my message is, go for it, **** things up big time, but at least you might feel good through the infatuation period....etc....:cool:
Reply 2
you are so right.

lifes a bitch.
I understand what you mean about wanting to remain single. My first boyfriend broke up with me over the phone. It completely devastated me. However, I also understand that you talk about. The feeling of companionship and warmth between you is always comforting.

I feel the opposite actually, most of the time I am sad that I am not in a relationship because the guy I fancy is a great friend. And my sister and her boyfriend always flaunt their relationship.

But when I am feeling great about it, I agree, you feel free and without restraint.

Oh my God, I'm in EXACTLY the same boat as you. The last "relationship" I had (I can't even call it that to be honest) ended really messily - the guy I was seeing had feelings for his MALE best friend and they ended up getting together so that was that really...

I've never had a proper relationship ever, and I really just want to feel loved by someone. It's giving the old confidence a bit of a knock.
I feel exactly the same as you huni, I'd love someone to just want to be with me, someone to go to the cinema with and cuddle and stuff. Have never really had a proper relationship either.

But, there are times when I am so glad I'm single, like when my best friend's boyfriend breaks up with her for the millionth time and she's a complete emotional wreck - then I'm glad I don't have a boyfriend cos I see how much it hurts when you lose them.