Cudn't b assed to read the details of all the replies so I'll just add me 2 cents and apologies if I'm repeating anything. Basically, I wear disposables, and am also left-handed, so what I do is this: open sachet, put middle finger in to pick up the lens on the tip, then take it into the thumb and forefinger of the other hand by the edges. Squeeze it in a little to allow excess saline to run off onto a tissue, then position on my left finger tip. Then, just as others said, hold eyelids with middle fingers. Remember you need to hold em wide. The most important thing is to RELAX. Look straight ahead. As soon as it's in look up, down and then side to side, then SLOWLY blink and close your eye. If there is an airbubble then it will fall out, but this can be prevented by checking beofre you close your eye andf giving it a lil prod around. Personally I use the same hand to do both eyes, but that's cos I'm rubbish with me right hand.
If you drop em don't worry too much, find them and rinse them. I've been known to chase mine halfway across my bedroom carpet beofre htey actually get in my eyes. Wait 5 mins or so after you get em in, if this is the 2nd time your wearing them then obs u need to get used to em. I was with specsavers and they suggested I build up an hour a day gradually as theyre alot to get used to. When I first went to try them in the shop it took about an hour, I had tears and snot streaming down my face and the lady was getting so impatient, I felt such a fool. But the more you wear them the more practice you get and the quicker you get- you work out what technique works best for you. To this day I dont wear lenses often and still allow half and hour to get them in just incase I have a difficult day. Usually it only takes 5 mins tho. You mustn't be scared to touch your eyes though, and if it feels too scratchy then it could be on inside out so don't be afraid to take it out and flip it to see if it feels better (disposables I'm talking bout- dunno if you have that prob with permanents).