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I am a shia muslim . AMA

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Where are you from?
Where are your from?. Why do most shias dislike Abu bakr?. Whats the reasoning behind it?
Reply 3
Original post by Nadine_08
Where are you from?

I am saudi, from qatif. Yes it may sound surprising but there are a lot of shias in ksa. Around 15-20% actually

Posted from TSR Mobile
Why do you hate ****e?
Reply 5
Have you ever faced any kind Shiaphobia (Shia Discrimination) ?
Reply 6
Original post by khalid78628
Where are your from?. Why do most shias dislike Abu bakr?. Whats the reasoning behind it?

The reason behind our opinion on Abu Bakr is based on historical evidences and authentic hadiths.

One of the main reasons, was his treatment of the blessed family of our prophet (pbuh). He denied them their inheritance, and propogated them to misfortune and hardship. If we read Sahih Muslim, an authentic sunni source which is considered unquestionable, (hence 'sahih) by sunnis, we can see this. Hadith number 4349.
In this hadith, Imam Ali and Abbas go to Umar to show their discontent at his tyranny. Abbas says 'your predecessor Abu Bakr was a deceitful, treacherous liar'. This source is not questioned by sunni sources. We know that we must associate ourselves with the ahlul bayt, and dissociate ourselves from their enemies. Abu Bakr was their enemy.

Another issue was the issue of fadak. Abu Bakr refused to hand Fatima al zahra her inheritance from the prophet, which he bestowed upon. He refused to hand her this, whilst handing out to his daughter Aisha houses and estates all over the land. The reason behind this was very political. He could not allow Ahlul Bayt to gain financial power as this would be a threat to his caliphate. Fatima died still in anger at Abu Bakr. Imam Ali buried her at night, reading the funeral prayer alone, and did not inform abu bakr. The Prophet said 'who ever makes fatima angry makes me angry' (mutawattir, recorded in many sunni and shia sources). and on his deathbed he proclaimed 'you are the leader of women both on earth and the hereafter'. So abu bakr's actions are indeed sinful. Furthermore, it is clear to understand this was not a money issue, it was deeper than that. Fatima al zahra did not care about worldly matters. It is famously recorded that she gave her iftar for 3 days in a row to the homeless! subhanallah. Furthermore, would the prophet be angry over a money issue?? of course not, so if her anger is his anger, she did not get angry over this, but the political connotations behind it.

Finally, Abu Bakr took the succession of the prophet against the will of the prophet, and many sahaba. Our brothers in ahlul sunnah will contend that he was chosen unanimously, but it is evidenced that many many sahabas refused to give allegiance. Imam Ali firstly, he did not give allegiance for 6 months. Secondly, the Ansar, Sa'ad Ibn Ubadah, the leader of the Khazraj Tribe refused to give bayah, and Umar said 'He is against us and is against Allah. Kill him for allah has killed him'. This is recorded in Sahih Muslim. Here is a list of those who refused to give Bayah.
Reply 7
Have you ever faced any kind Shiaphobia (Shia Discrimination) ?

I'm not Shia, but they're often ridiculed for self-flagellation.
Reply 8
Im Shia although i dont like reinforcing the Islamic split too much, if you need a buddy with similar thinking/belief im here!
Original post by Koolio
I'm not Shia, but they're often ridiculed for self-flagellation.

you mean for having a circumcised genital ?
Reply 10
Have you ever faced any kind Shiaphobia (Shia Discrimination) ?

Yes. I am saudi, and i came here aged 13. Over there the treatment of shias is disgusting. i am surprised why there isnt any media attention on it. Probably because the UK is in the saudi payroll. Anyway, over there the takfir (excommunication from islam) is taught in schools at all levels. even to shias. shias have no professional or governmental jobs, this is despite ye form 20% of the population.

In the UK it is much better, but I have still experienced it. Once you tell sunnis you are shia, some dissociate themselves with you, and others insult you. its not nice.
Whats your opinion on a'isha (r.a)

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Reply 12
Original post by Reformed
you mean for having a circumcised genital ?

No. a minority of shia muslims whip themselves with blades, and cut their heads with swords. Our top scholars have declared it haram, as it harms the body. Sadly, there are extremists in all sects.

This image has been abused and propogated by wahhabi propogandists to say shia islam is a barbaric and gruesome. This is why you always see pictures of people hurting themselves. It is ironic that the wahhabis say this, when they themselves blow themselves up and condone beheadings!
Reply 13
Original post by Reformed
you mean for having a circumcised genital ?

Nope, ritualistic cutting of the body with knives and chains.
Original post by Abdullah627
Yes. I am saudi, and i came here aged 13. Over there the treatment of shias is disgusting. i am surprised why there isnt any media attention on it. Probably because the UK is in the saudi payroll. Anyway, over there the takfir (excommunication from islam) is taught in schools at all levels. even to shias. shias have no professional or governmental jobs, this is despite ye form 20% of the population.

In the UK it is much better, but I have still experienced it. Once you tell sunnis you are shia, some dissociate themselves with you, and others insult you. its not nice.

One guy tried to kill me In secondary school when he found out it was quite amusing, it shows some are radicalized against shias and alot of friends truly do leave you but HOWEVER there was a handful who stood by me even till now
Original post by Koolio
Nope, ritualistic cutting of the body with knives and chains.

yeh, so... gential circumcision then
Reply 16
Original post by frank davidson
Whats your opinion on a'isha (r.a)

Posted from TSR Mobile

My opinion of Aisha is the opinion of the Qu'ran. Read Surat al Tahrim Verse 1-5. It is a scathing attack on Aisha and Hafsa, which is not disagreed upon even by salafi scholars like Ibn Kathir.

This section describes a story when the prophet told his wife something, which she told the other wife, and the prophet found out, when she asked how he said 'allah almighty told me'.

This actual event was when he told Aisha that he is going to another of his wives, Zainab ibn Jahsh, and that she has very nice honey that he drinks. She , Aisha, told Hafsa (another wife and daughter of umar) that this is where he was going and they became jealous. They conspired to stop him going, by telling him his breath smells. When he returned this is what they told him, and he said 'i will not eat anymore', and later he found out about this conspiracy against him. These verse later came. In verse 5, at the conclusion of the story, it says

Perhaps his Lord, if he divorced you [all], would substitute for him wives better than you - submitting [to Allah ], believing, devoutly obedient, repentant, worshipping, and traveling - [ones] previously married and virgins.'This is undoubtedly talking about Aisha and Hafsa, there is no disagreement behind Sunnis and Shias. How do you expect me to love someone that the Quran condemns!!!! subhanallah.

Another reason was her fierce hatred of ahlul bayt. She started a civil war against Ali 25 years after the prophets death. She could not stand to see him in power. She wanted to kill him. In the battle of Basra, she marched with 13,000 soldiers into Ali's army, and hamdullilah she lost. Her own brother, Mohamed Ibn Abi Bakr, who we the shia love, fought against her!. If you fight a rightly guided caliph, what do they make you? that is the question I pose to my sunni brothers.
Original post by Abdullah627
My opinion of Aisha is the opinion of the Qu'ran. Read Surat al Tahrim Verse 1-5. It is a scathing attack on Aisha and Hafsa, which is not disagreed upon even by salafi scholars like Ibn Kathir.

This section describes a story when the prophet told his wife something, which she told the other wife, and the prophet found out, when she asked how he said 'allah almighty told me'.

This actual event was when he told Aisha that he is going to another of his wives, Zainab ibn Jahsh, and that she has very nice honey that he drinks. She , Aisha, told Hafsa (another wife and daughter of umar) that this is where he was going and they became jealous. They conspired to stop him going, by telling him his breath smells. When he returned this is what they told him, and he said 'i will not eat anymore', and later he found out about this conspiracy against him. These verse later came. In verse 5, at the conclusion of the story, it says

Perhaps his Lord, if he divorced you [all], would substitute for him wives better than you - submitting [to Allah ], believing, devoutly obedient, repentant, worshipping, and traveling - [ones] previously married and virgins.'This is undoubtedly talking about Aisha and Hafsa, there is no disagreement behind Sunnis and Shias. How do you expect me to love someone that the Quran condemns!!!! subhanallah.

Another reason was her fierce hatred of ahlul bayt. She started a civil war against Ali 25 years after the prophets death. She could not stand to see him in power. She wanted to kill him. In the battle of Basra, she marched with 13,000 soldiers into Ali's army, and hamdullilah she lost. Her own brother, Mohamed Ibn Abi Bakr, who we the shia love, fought against her!. If you fight a rightly guided caliph, what do they make you? that is the question I pose to my sunni brothers.

this is the problem with marrying a 9 year old
(edited 9 years ago)
I have a feeling this thread is gonna get very rowdy, very soon :pirate::pirate:

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