The Student Room Group

Sleeping tablet dependance

Can anyone tell me the best way to get help? I have become dependant on using Nytol to get to sleep at night. I have been using it for weeks and even though I get up early and work hard all day, I can't seem to sleep until 4am unless I take it.
My life is pretty good at the moment, I don't have any anxiety or worries but I need to get off sleeping tablets. I am starting to use them just for the pleasant, relaxing effect it has on my body. I told my mum I'd stopped using Nytol ages ago but now I think its got to the abuse stage. I never thought I'd end up doing something like this but I need help. Should I talk to a doctor or a welfare officer at uni? Just don't know what to do.
Reply 1
yes talk to a doctor
Excercise. Don't eat as much sugar. Lower your caffeine intake. Try putting some reallllly relaxing music on whilst your getting to sleep.

You're not gonna be able to get back into a normal pattern of sleep if you don't work out why don't feel tired til so late.
Go to the doctor :smile:
Reply 4
Try and sleep on it then see how you feel in the morning :biggrin:
Cold turkey! Throw your tablets away and see the doctor.