I'm really unsure about whether to split up with my boyfriend.
To cut a long story short - I found out yesterday that he tried it on with one of my best mates, but nothing happened because she told him where to go. I also found out that he's said he isn't happy with me to a couple of my mates.
I spoke to him about it..he said that he hadn't been happy because I kept making contact with my ex (we split up well over a year ago, and have always been very close, as in best friends, since) and he doesn't like it. But he said that other than that then he was happy..
..but how can he be happy if he's trying it on with my best mate? He admitted it, and said that he was "confused" ( - I've yet to find out what the hell that means) and that it was a mistake. He said that she'd been giving him mixed signals and stuff, and that he was sorry and it would never happen again etc. etc.
I asked him out-right if he wanted to be with me, and he said that he did. So I asked why..as at the moment I'm finding it pretty hard to believe that he does. He said that without me he had no one else apart from his brother and mum, and that deep down he "loves me" and I "mean everything" to him.
Is this just him trying to worm his way out of the dog house by saying all of that stuff to me? I really want to believe that its all true, what he's said..but I still can't get over the fact that he tried it on with my best mate (I know nothing happened, but last year my best mate got with my ex a couple of days after we'd split up, so I'm sort of paranoid about it happening again).
Sorry about the length! Needed to let it out.