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Reply 1
It's expensive, that is all I know.
Reply 2

As this shows d result for GCSE pass is 68% and my school which is a state comprehensive gets 60% pass rate, so I think results wise it is not that brilliant! However, they do have a good reputation and many extra-curricular activities so it may be worth considering if u can afford it.
Reply 3
My parents don't believe in throwing away money.
Reply 4
Why were the GCSE results extremely high in 2004 and before, but dropped a lot in 05 and 06?
Reply 5
Okay thanks. Does anyone know a teacher there called Mr. Donaldson? (chem)
Reply 6
Eton isn't all that good in terms of educational performance. It's just an old fashioned school full with tradition and good status.
Reply 7
Something must have changed for the results to go down like that; 97% sounds about right, and the A levels are consistently good. Perhaps the way they're scored, or maybe a new policy...? The A level results are only second in the area to a school with 100% GCSE passes, so the standards certainly haven't gone down.

I doubt that's a 'true' statistic and indicative of GCSE performance.
Reply 8
well where do u live is important unless u want to board.
nd if u r, prepare urself with 50 grands first for 2 years sixth form b4 u even consider.

this is the school where the royal people go.
Reply 9
It has a 97% A* - C, and the 3% discrepancy is probably caused due to people being in the wrong year rather than not getting atleast a C.
My parents don't believe in throwing away money.

:ditto: Not that they have anywhere near the ridiculous amount Eton charges (£24k a year, I think) but even if they did, they wouldn't believe in throwing it away like that. Even if it did have 100% pass rates at GCSE and A-level, big deal; so do lots of state grammars, and lots of people manage straight A*s even at bog standard state comps. I think certain royals and their appalling A-level results are proof that if you don't have the intelligence/work ethic, you won't do well anywhere, and obviously the reverse is also true.
Reply 11
Westminster is SO much better :p::wink:

Westminster is SO much better :p::wink:


i agree.

if i had a choice i would choose Westminster.

ps i think that possibly ETons bad perforance in GCSE may be due to the same cause as my schools...introduction of IGCSEs..harder versions of GCSEs..which arent actually counted by tables...well..possibly...atleast thats the reason why our school has a 0% pass rate in English Language +Literature GCSE :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
ps i think that possibly ETons bad perforance in GCSE may be due to the same cause as my schools...introduction of IGCSEs..harder versions of GCSEs..which arent actually counted by tables...well..possibly...atleast thats the reason why our school has a 0% pass rate in English Language +Literature GCSE :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Yeah, I think that's the reason a lot of private schools have dropped in the league tables recently, especially when English and maths are included because they seem to be the most popular IGCSEs.
Reply 14
obviously eton is a boys school but is there like a girls school similar to it?
obviously eton is a boys school but is there like a girls school similar to it?

I don't think it has an official link with any girls' schools, but I'm sure there are some very good girls' public schools in London.
Reply 16
do you know any?
Reply 17

As this shows d result for GCSE pass is 68% and my school which is a state comprehensive gets 60% pass rate, so I think results wise it is not that brilliant! However, they do have a good reputation and many extra-curricular activities so it may be worth considering if u can afford it.

You have misinterpreted the statistical information.
Reply 18
do you know any?

The ones that spring to mind are St Paul's Girls, North London Collegiate, JAGS, and Westminster for VIth form.
Reply 19
It's a great school, as long as you don't mind single sex, people are ok generalyl from the one's i have met. IT is very, very expensive but if you are a bright student they will do you very well, i think they got 60 people into oxbridge last year and had about 90 applying this year, i certainly met a lot whilst i was at interview so i think academically they are pretty impressive.