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Reply 1
Yep, they're not very convenient as you have to wait 2 hours after eating, 1 hour before, can't take with milk products, can't take before bed etc etc, the first time I used them they didn't help at all, mainly because I couldn't find a regular time to take them, this time I think they've helped a bit. Make sure you take them exactly when your doctor's told you to - they won't make any difference if you only take them when you feel like it.
Also if you haven't had any improvement in about 3 months (I think that's the time you're supposed to leave) go back to the doctor and ask for stronger stuff - they always start with weaker medication, and work up if it doesn't work. Hopefully it'll be fine if its only mild acne you have. Anyway, good luck!
Hmm , maybe I'm just paranoid but I swear whenever I used something for spots it only got worse!
stay away from roaccutane
Reply 4
Oxytetracycline worked for me. I had to change antibiotics eventually because you become used to it after a bit, but a few cycles of it should be long enough to clear your spots up no problem. As Slothie said, they are a bit annoying because you can only take them at certain times, but it's worth it in the end. Good luck!
Reply 5
Yeah I'm on it now. Had 2 months of it and it cleared it up a bit (but I still have **** loads of scars). Went to the derm and he gave me another 2 months of it but this time twice as much as last time each day. Good times.
Reply 6
Okay thanks for the replies, hope it works. When he first said antibiotics I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to drink alcohol for months but turns out I can :biggrin:
Reply 7
stay away from roaccutane

On the contrary, roaccutane is the most amazing drug I have ever had the pleasure of using. Completely cured my acne and it hasn't come back since.
Reply 8
On the contrary, roaccutane is the most amazing drug I have ever had the pleasure of using. Completely cured my acne and it hasn't come back since.

Yh same here! I wish I had taken it from the beginning as the three types of antibiotics i took were completely rubbish. If I had it would of turned 3 years of hell into just 6 months. And now I have so many scars. Oh well neva mind!
the derm gave me double dose by mistake i got obsessive about skin took 2 a day. it messedme up bigtime
Reply 10
Nothing constructive to add about oxytetracycline, but a friend of mine uses Brevoxyl cream on hers and within the first month or so of her using it there was a definite improvement. It's about £6-7 from most pharmacies.
I've been on Oxytetracycline before, it was rubbish and didn't have any effect at all. I find the best treatment is benzoyl peroxide cream.
Reply 12
I have also been on antibiotics for acne. I think if you have been prescribed oxytetracycline give it a try for a few months, i think it can have varying degrees of effectiveness depending on the individual. Just make sure you go back and see your derm regularly as there is no point staying on it if it isnt doing anything and you just develop a resistance. The improvements will also be very gradual and so to yourself may hardly notice on a daily basis. If this doesnt work roaccutane is a pretty guaranteed solution but the side effects should be taken into consideration, though you will be warned about this before you are even offered it. Good luck with your treatment :smile:
Reply 13
Oxytetracycline cleared all my spots. Every single freaking one
On the contrary, roaccutane is the most amazing drug I have ever had the pleasure of using. Completely cured my acne and it hasn't come back since.


Ive been on it for a month, having done over a year on Oxyt and the other acne drug i cant remember and my face is clearing up remarkably.

Shame you have to wait a minimum of 6 months before you can get on it.
Doxycycline, Minocycline and Lymecycline are better because they can be taken with food or milk, though it's best to take them on an empty stomach.

Accutane is the last resort, thats if you're allowed to go on it.
Reply 16
I also had Oxytetracycline for a few months and it had no affect what so ever. I got offered Roaccutane but refused it due to the side effects. I'm glad i didn't take it as i've heard some nasty stories.

I just left the medicines and let it clear up naturally. It's almost gone now barring a little redness and a few scars.

Ive been on it for a month, having done over a year on Oxyt and the other acne drug i cant remember and my face is clearing up remarkably.

Shame you have to wait a minimum of 6 months before you can get on it.

if ur at all prone to depression stay the **** away from this horrible drug

its ruined my life. honestly
the dermatologist got the prescription wrong and gave me double what he should have aswell, ****ing idiot
you really cant comprehend the strength of this drug and its ability to remove all colour and enjoyment from every aspect of life. this is why profesh feels so strongly