The Student Room Group

Scrumpy Jack

Does anyone else find a can of Scrumpy Jack affects them more than any other cider? Or any other alcoholic beverage that they've consumed for that matter? I find that just one can of the stuff affects me more than 2/3 pints of Strongbow/Sirus/Bulmers you name it. It affects me more than 2/3 glasses of double vodka red bull too.
not so much scrumpy (well a little bit) but whenever i have the 'local' cider when on holiday.... knocks my socks off, whilst leaving me with a blinding headache in the mornin'.

Ahh good times
Scrumpy does have a really bad effect....but not as bad as half a pint of old rosie, then Im gone! I am a girl i suppose.....!
Reply 3
I :love: Scrumpy Jack - those huge bottle things you can get in Somerset / Dorset... yummy

Think it can be strong - just check the percentage next time!! :wink:
Nah I know the percentage in a can, 6%. I was really happy tonight as I found out the pub I was in actually does pints of the stuff :biggrin:. According to one of the blokes I was drinking with CheGriffin, and I now know this is the test between a cider and scrumpy, Scrumpy Jack isn't actually scrumpy as you can see through it.
HenBean I was told to get a some Old Rosie tonight, but I was quite content with my Scrumpy Jack but will definitely try some next time, as one of the other blokes I was drinking with told me it was good stuff.
According to one of the blokes I was drinking with CheGriffin, and I now know this is the test between a cider and scrumpy, Scrumpy Jack isn't actually scrumpy as you can see through it.

oh, didn't know that... (there's something to do with the apples as well if i'm not mistaken - taken from the gound or summat like that)
anyhoos' i don't s'pose anyone knows if Sainsbury's et al sell it? (i know it probably won't taste as good but it is nice....:biggrin: )

i think i might have to get me some this wkend