The Student Room Group
This has happened to me,a couple of times.

One time was before my Cousins funeral. I had been in tears all that morning .
When we arrived at the church,i panicked about coping during the service.
And was then sick :frown:

Not sure what can help. It's just our bodies way of dealing with things
Reply 2

a similar thing happens to me only it's when i miss someone.

i don't really have any thoughts or suggestions i'm afraid, apart from maybe try to focus on something else when you get upset (although i know this is easier said than done) - listen to music or do some exercise or something? just wanted to say you're not the only one, being upset does funny things to people!
:O I thought I was the only one...
When I broke up with someone I nearly vomited over the M25 on the way home from crying too much.. haha.

No idea how to rectify it, sorry.. but you're not alone!
Reply 4
Don't get so upset :p:

No, seriously, I wouldn't worry about it. It's completely normal and nothing to be concerned about. If you find the symptoms particularly severe (i.e. you end up being physically sick on a regular basis) then consider seeking advice from your GP. :smile:
Reply 5
Happens to me too, badly enough to have me in and out of hospital trying to figure it out. It's been put down to stress induced migraines which present themselves mostly as sickness - maybe if you treat it as a migraine (i.e. peace and quiet, some paracetamol and light food) it'll ease it. I take cyclizine (prescription only) sometimes when I feel particularly sick, often when taking exams, going back to college after a break, breaking up with someone etc. I couldn't offer you any advice for stopping feeling sick, but I find that exercising some mental control over it helps as it seems to be an emotional rather than physical problem, so I tell myself I won't be sick and eventually the nausea fades. It might be worth going to your GP and asking to be referred for blood tests. When I go through a patch of stress/sickness, the levels of serum prolactin (pregnany hormone - morning sickness) go right up. If this is happening with you too, you could get some prescription drugs to combat it.
Wow this happens to other people too?! I'm so relieved!

I used to throw up all the time when I was younger and upset. I haven't for a long time but it does make me feel physically ill still.

I didn't realise other people were like that too.
Reply 7
Ah thanks everyone, I guess that's good to know.
Reply 8
I went through a period of being so anxious that just having to face the day and do normal things made me throw up. It was horrible.

Hope you start to feel better soon.
Reply 9
I'm like this too, and a couple of my friends are as well. It's really horrible but there's not a lot you can do so don't let it get you down. I was prescribed some tablets for it too but I can't remember what they're called...basically when you get to the stage where you realise you're going to be ill, you can take one to stop you being sick. Go to the doctor and see if you can get some maybe.
Yeah occasionnally happens to me too. I think anxiety/anxiousness and all the feelings of being upset causes the release of adrenaline which can make some people feel sick or be sick. Its the stoneage fight or flight mechanism. Probably other hormones are involved too but its completly natural