The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Can anyone tell me what this table is called? I'm sure there is one, but I've forgotten it's name.



Tis called the Tompkins table:,,8405-814054,00.html
Reply 2

Reply 3
Does anyone know where you can get access to the Baxter table?
Reply 4
They've spelt Queens' wrong. And ooops, Clare slipped a bit :redface:
They've spelt Queens' wrong. And ooops, Clare slipped a bit :redface:

yeh Corpus regained all the ground we lost 2 years ago - ie we went down about 14 places then, and now that the year above me (utterly shite) have gone, we bounce back.
Reply 6
yeh Corpus regained all the ground we lost 2 years ago - ie we went down about 14 places then, and now that the year above me (utterly shite) have gone, we bounce back.

But the results of the year above you are included in the stats for this table :tongue: