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Reply 1
Probably, but that's a question you really need to ask your GP. :smile:
Reply 2
I only hit my growth spurt last year when i was 17. Most people in my class were growing taller and hairier when they were 14/15. I got my first chin hair this summer when. 3 years after everyone in my class.

You will probably get there. Now I'm one of the tallest people i know. 6'1. Taller then the average. :cool:
Reply 3
we could always look at me.
I'm 101KG, 177cm tall and i look like a obesced tellytubby.
I call myself out of proportion. ANd i only have ONE chest hair, just one.

Time will tell. I keep wondering when my "Puppy Fat" days are over and hope it'll just go away. I don't seem to eat much. Milk and toast in the morning, nothing for lunch and dinner i have rice with some Thai food stuff.
Reply 4
i only have ONE chest hair, just one

Lucky; I don't have any. We're all different, and that's nothing to be ashamed of. What other people really care about is our personalities. Most of my friends have vastly different physical features (overweight, thin, tall, short, etc...) but I take no notice.

Even most girls (perhaps not the really superficial ones :biggrin:) are mainly attracted by personality and character. Provided you make an effort to look good when you go out (e.g. clothes, hair) you should have no problems.

Try to be confident :smile:
18 does seem a bit old, I was at my full adult size and weight by 17. Though I suppose I knew a lot of guys who were still a bit skinny at 18/19. Maybe try working out a bit? You're not really going to bulk up much from doing nothing but "waiting for it to happen".

Time will tell. I keep wondering when my "Puppy Fat" days are over and hope it'll just go away. I don't seem to eat much. Milk and toast in the morning, nothing for lunch and dinner i have rice with some Thai food stuff.

Vary your diet and get more excercise!

Nothing wrong with not being hairy though, I have a relatively hairless upper body (yet strangely I have quite hairy legs).
I thought puberty finished at 16?
I thought puberty finished at 16?

Heh, there's hardly a definitive age for it. Different people start / finish at different ages. Also, girls (generally) start and finish puberty earlier.

Example: I was starting to have a little moustache (and started shaving) when I was 11 - but I know plenty of guys who didn't have to shave until they were 14 or even 15.
Reply 9
very true, not only that, don't worry about chest hair, although I understand it's probably a bloke thing, loads of girls prefer men without chest hair!
My boyfriend looked quite not fully mature when I met him age 20. Over the year he has just finished maturity age 21!
Reply 11


Stick arms, wierd, chest, long neck, massive adams apple, massive head and forehead, thick thies, really long legs, small feet

I hate looking like this out of proportion. I remember not caring. I am 18, I should be in my adult body by now
I thought puberty finished at 16?

No way. I'm a guy and only really started going through puberty at 16. I didnt reach my final height until I was 20.
i started at 11 and now 17 still not done (more bulking out needed). i know some people start late but 16 seems mental!
actually how long between getting bum fluff and being able to grow a decent beard? its bugging me!
shave more often, it causes the beard to thicken out quicker, and @ the op do weight training the elevated levels of testosterone in the body will help. i'm led to believe
aah that would make sense! see i havent shaved in a while, hoping the beard would make itself thicker if i left it alone!
Reply 18
Flank Runner
shave more often, it causes the beard to thicken out quicker, and @ the op do weight training the elevated levels of testosterone in the body will help. i'm led to believe

yeah, as u keep shaving it, it will beocme like stubbles in no time...but once you start there is no going back, be warned!
Reply 19
I used to be skinny as ****. Wanted to get big, so I did something about it. Go to the gym and fix it, just sitting there complaining won't do anything.