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Valentine's card from my ex

My boyfriend and I split up a month ago. It was on very good terms and neither of us really wanted the break up, but our relationship was under huge amounts of strain with our lives moving in different directions and living 150 miles apart (although that's only temporary). We agreed to stay friends and have kept in regular contact. We did meet up soon after the break up and ended up sleeping together, but after that it's just been normal texts, e-mails and a couple of phone conversations, just as friends keeping each other updated on our lives. I've really missed him and struggled not having him as my boyfriend any more as we still have a really good connection.

Anyway, this morning I received a Valentine's card from him. It's quite a sweet, simple one, not slushy or romantic, just printed with 'Happy Valentine's day', 'Thinking of you' and 'I hope your Valentine's Day is really happy'. He's just written my name and then signed 'love from (his name)'. It's thrown me a bit though. I don't know if it's meant to be a romantic gesture? Maybe even the beginnings of reconciliation? Or is it just a thoughtful friendly thing to do, because he knows I'll be sad today thinking of the plans we'd made for Valentine's Day before we split? Is he just being kind and telling me he's thinking of me, or is it more?

Being objective and honest with me, what does everyone else think?
I think you should get back together.
Reply 2
Hes just trying to show you he cares for you, is thinking of you and wants to make you smile on a day you may have been very miserable on.
Reply 3
Not everything is coded. Ask him about it, see what he says.
Could you explain those "full amounts of strains"?
Reply 5
I agree with the above poster, just ask him what he means by it. :smile: It's the only way you will know for sure.
Reply 6
Stuff from guys tends not to be coded tbh.
We arn't that bright :/
Thats sweet, but we don't know him so it is hard for any of us to say what it means. Some guys would do that as a way of trying to win you back some might do it just as a sweet thing, to let you know he is thinking of you. At least you got a card, i didn't even get one from my boyfriend.
Think about the way your ex thinks and work it out if you wanna get back with him, do.
Reply 8
if you don't want to ask him straight out, say something like "thanks for the card, it was really sweet" and then he may explain himself. Seems to me neither of you really wanted to split up or at least that you both still care for each other. Is there no way you could get back together?
Reply 9
Punch him in the face. I get near to doing that when my ex sends me crappy message online or waves at me in the hall. Srsly. It'll make you feel better.
Thats sweet, but we don't know him so it is hard for any of us to say what it means. Some guys would do that as a way of trying to win you back some might do it just as a sweet thing, to let you know he is thinking of you. At least you got a card, i didn't even get one from my boyfriend.
Think about the way your ex thinks and work it out if you wanna get back with him, do.

:eek: thats terrible! poor you :frown: unless there's a good reason why he didn't get you anything you should find someone more worthy of having you as a valentine
:eek: thats terrible! poor you :frown: unless there's a good reason why he didn't get you anything you should find someone more worthy of having you as a valentine

I suppose its slightly better that he told me he wouldn't get me anything but, maybe i still expected something cos my ex told me he wasn't getting me anything last time and he came over with a surprise. He says he doesn't do valentines day, but i bought him a little cake and took him out for dinner, so i'd say i deserve a little something.
What is the point of Valentines Day? Seriously, why the hell does it matter whether or not you got a card?

but i bought him a little cake and took him out for dinner, so i'd say i deserve a little something.
Reply 13
Just because he gave you a card doesn't mean that he wants to get back into a relationship with you. I know plenty of friends that buy each other cards and little presents, it doesn't always have to mean something along those lines. Perhaps he is just showing you that he cares rather than saying he wants more than just friendship from you. It's possible thats what he wants but if you really want to know how he feels, ask him.
Hes just trying to show you he cares for you, is thinking of you and wants to make you smile on a day you may have been very miserable on.

is worth a try see how things go..
hes not had sex in a month and he suddenly appreciates you
Reply 16
He probably just knew you'd be a bit miserable today and wanted to make a nice gesture to lighten your day a bit.
I thought of doing it for my ex-girlfriend, but decided against it, in case she got confused as to its meaning. I guess this thread shows I made a good choice!

Mention it to him and see what he says, as long as you're neutral about it, his response should tell you a lot.
Reply 17
It's just a nice gesture. So you had to break up and it was kinda sucky but you accept it... the card just says you still feel warm towards each other. It's all good.