ugh. this is going to sound lame and stupid. i've been trying to lose weight and 2 days ago I ate loads and loads on a complete binge, and then made myself sick. this isn't something i've ever done before, and obviously not a habit i want to get into.
however, since then i haven't been able to eat anything other than tiny bits. i can have liquids but the idea of eating any solid food makes me feel ill. i look at it and it just disgusts me.
on top of this i got dumped last night and am going out with the guy tonight anyway, as its valentines day, as some last date or soemthing (don't tell me i'm stupid for doing this, i already know). were going for food. i don't think i can eat it.
i just don't feel like eating, and i realise a large factor might be the relationship ending, but at the same time i'm worried.