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pregnancy help!!

the condom split in november so i took the morning after pill, and my periods came, so i thought i was ok. but i've noticed i'm bigger round my chest and stomach...i should have done a test, but i didnt. Is there any way of finding out if I'm pregnant now as my drs onbly take people who have missed period. i just want to be sure.

will a preganancy test work? or anyone know who i can see?

help and thanks
xxx:frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:
Reply 1
I don't see why a pregnancy test wouldn't work and if all else fails you should visit a clinic?

Good luck with it all x
Reply 2
Take a pregnancy test yourself if you are worried about it. I understand why you didn't take one at the time but now you really need to get your act together and find out so that you can then decide what to do.

I've never heard of doctors refusing to see you for a reason such as that. Phone down and ask, you don't need to tell them what the appointment is for until you are sitting infront of the doctor. Surely, if you have a problem then they should treat you accordingly rather than send you away?
Reply 3
Sexual health clinic will do a pregnancy test for free.
Reply 4
Take a pregnancy test yourself if you are worried about it. I understand why you didn't take one at the time but now you really need to get your act together and find out so that you can then decide what to do.

I've never heard of doctors refusing to see you for a reason such as that. Phone down and ask, you don't need to tell them what the appointment is for until you are sitting infront of the doctor. Surely, if you have a problem then they should treat you accordingly rather than send you away?

Yeah i dont understand this either because if you're on the pill you can still have a period when in fact you're pregnant!

Take a home test and act on the results :smile:
Reply 5
I don't understand it at all, i've never heard of it. I've also never had to give my reasons for wanting to see the doctor over the phone while making an appointment. Some places may work differently but that seems very strange...
Reply 6
Yeah I don't understand that, just ring up and if they ask just say you'd rather not say over the phone.
Reply 7
the condom split in november so i took the morning after pill, and my periods came, so i thought i was ok. but i've noticed i'm bigger round my chest and stomach...i should have done a test, but i didnt. Is there any way of finding out if I'm pregnant now as my drs onbly take people who have missed period. i just want to be sure.

will a preganancy test work? or anyone know who i can see?

help and thanks
xxx:frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:

Aww! You poor thing, my friend was in a situation like this but it turned out she wasn't pregnant :smile: The other people on this thread are right, the doctor ought to see you without asking any questions and whatever decision you make about the pregnancy will be handled in confidence. No one needs to know except you so it's ok. Have you told your boyfriend? What would you do if you were pregnant? Condoms suck sometimes...
Reply 8
took themorning after pill. sorry to be confusing
get a test done asap
Reply 10
get a test done asap. dont leave it any longer just in case :smile: my friend also went through this and she took the mornin after pill a bit lateand she still had to have an abortion
Don't panic about it (well obviously you will worry, so its a bit pointless saying it :P). Just go and do a test. Then if you aren't you can relax and if you are you can deal with it. Not knowing is the worst thing.

(I hate threads where the remarks about periods on the pill whilst still being pregnant come up... makes me well paranoid)
Don't panic about it (well obviously you will worry, so its a bit pointless saying it :P). Just go and do a test. Then if you aren't you can relax and if you are you can deal with it. Not knowing is the worst thing.

(I hate threads where the remarks about periods on the pill whilst still being pregnant come up... makes me well paranoid)

it is true though, my friend had no symptons for a long time n was still having her periods regularly
Corinna Goody
it is true though, my friend had no symptons for a long time n was still having her periods regularly

seriously??i thought if i was pregnant my periods would stop even though i am on the pill. thats are we meant to know if we are then haha
Reply 14
I think that technically, if you get pregnant while on the pill, you are supposed to miss your period because your hormone level wouldn't drop enough during your break.... Or something like that.
However as we've seen, it's possible to continue having your "period" - since it's not a real one after all - while pregnant and on the pill.