The Student Room Group

Foreskin Issues

Kind of sensitive topic, im not being silly, its an actual question that i am getting worried about. I will try to keep it as "clean" as possible with my language

When i am flaccid, my foreskin it completely covering my head and there is kinda too much of it, like an overhang at the end. When i am erect my foreskin doesnt contract over my head, if this happens i have to do it myself. Is this normal, or should it contract over the head naturally? When i do pull it over the head it forms a tight band underneath the head? is this normal? Im starting to think its not and that there might be something wrong

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Reply 1
Your foreskin isn't a muscle, so doesn't automatically retract, it either gets pulled back by yourself or the friction of sex. It sounds pretty normal to be honest. One thing, are you a virgin? The foreskin can be very tight for your first few times, it then stretches out or something and gets a lot more comfortable.
Reply 2
Yeh im still a virgin, thanks alot, u have calmed me down imensly
Mine is the same! Girls will LOVE the extra skin :biggrin:

Mine also doesn't retract without forces (some guy's foreskins are so mobile that it does retract when they get hard). As long as it isn't painful to get hard or retract your foreskin, its fine.

BTW a long foreskin/prepuce is 1/100 !!

We are special! :biggrin:

but then... mine is the same, but i cnt retract it very far, maybe 1 cm at tops, and the head is really sensitive to touch, when its like sort of dry, is that normal? im happy that im 'special' but what sould i do, ppl have sed like excercises and stuff, but i am really not sure. thanks!
If you're having difficultly retracting the foreskin over the glans you should go to your doctors and they'll give you betnovate cream which will solve the problem after a month or two.
Reply 6
aslong as your can pull the skin back without pain then your fine. and sensitivity is perfectly normal....hence how you can actually experience the sensation. some of us are more sensitive than others in that respect.
ok, so betnovate cream. But would he try that or just tell me to get circumsized, cuz i dont realy want to. And also, can it be bought over the counter, or prescribed? thanks
Reply 8
Mine is the same! Girls will LOVE the extra skin :biggrin:

Out of genuine curiosity, really? Why? I can't imagine being anything other than indifferent to it ...
Reply 9
When i do pull it over the head it forms a tight band underneath the head?

I remember that. *PAINFUL* and scary.
At the time i thought,
"GOD NO, i'm gona be like this forever! I'll have to see a Doctor, and my Mum gona know...****"

Is it normal i wonder?
It was well painfull at the time, haven't had sex since then.:cool:
Reply 10
Out of genuine curiosity, really? Why? I can't imagine being anything other than indifferent to it ...

Me either :confused: ?
get bf is and hes much more sensitive than previous bfs who werent. he enjoys it more...!
Reply 12
get bf is and hes much more sensitive than previous bfs who werent. he enjoys it more...!

I've heard that having it circumsised can make it less enjoyable, as feeling can be lost? I'd have thought an uncircumcised penis with a retracted foreskin would increase enjoyment as when the glans is in the foreskin it is safe and therefore more sensitive outside, whereas a circumcised penis' glans would be used to rubbing against boxershorts, etc. Although I suppose a circumcised penis would be better for lasting longer, which I think most men would prefer as opposed to being more sensitive.
Circumcision removes SENSITIVE skin filled with nerve endings so that anonymous GIRL who does not have a penis should stfu.

Plus the skin callouses over on the glans if you are circumcised.

Just go to the doctor OP or buy some hydrocortisone cream and apply that. Stretch your foreskin gently as far as you can when hard and hold it for as long as you can. Repeat. Do that for half an hour a night or as long as you can and in a few weeks/months you will see improvements.

Its okay if it goes back, mine doesnt go all the way back, only half way and its fine. As long as there is no pain you can still have sex and things. if not, stretch. People's foreskins have different rates of mobility/how far they can pull the foreskin back.
When you are masturbating or having sex, is the foreskin meant to go retract to behind the head of the penis or is it meant to stay on covering the penis?
ok, so betnovate cream. But would he try that or just tell me to get circumsized, cuz i dont realy want to. And also, can it be bought over the counter, or prescribed? thanks

Do not get circumcised it causes problems in the future. The betnovate will solve the problem unless its incredibly tight.
When you are masturbating or having sex, is the foreskin meant to go retract to behind the head of the penis or is it meant to stay on covering the penis?

Its meant to retract to expose the glans.
Expose to where? As in how far down?! All the way down over the whole "helmet" or what?
Expose to where? As in how far down?! All the way down over the whole "helmet" or what?

Yes to expose the whole of the 'helmet' and it usually stays behind it when erect. Look at some pictures to see what I mean if you can lol :p:
It doesn't have to go all the way back for intercourse, aslong as the "slit" is exposed and no pain is felt all should be well.