The Student Room Group
What do you expect if he can't be bothered to turn up to the interview?
Reply 2
I think he was playing his XBOX... again and missed the train. Can you sue XBOX if it ruined your education? He's better off with Edinburgh anyway. I'm not sure if they accepted or rejected him though.
Well they hardly ruined his education if he's going to Edinburgh instead lol I know which I'd rather go to...
It was even his first choice because all his friends went to this uni.

He must be very thick if the Met was his first choice. :eek:
He should enshrine that xbox and bow down in worship to it everyday, as it is the xbox that broke the spell that he was put under.
Reply 6
Guess which game it was on XBOX that had such a power...? Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion!!!
Reply 7
He must be very thick if the Met was his first choice. :eek:

This is all very funny. Rejected by London Met. I almost feel compelled to make another UCAS application to TRY and get rejected by London Met.
Reply 8
He got AAB and was rejected by them, lol.

Thats probably why they rejected him! If they are used to taking people with C's and D's, they probably thought someone with AAB was having a laugh!

I got ABB in my A levels (I was predicted BBB) and applied to 5 'good' uni's and one 'safety net' (manc met) I got offers from the 5 good uni's and rejected from my safety net for the same reasons :biggrin:
Reply 9
I dont see the point of having a safety net choice unless your gonna put it as your insurance?
Reply 10
He should have applied to King's. He would have got in.
Reply 11
My friend got one E and got in
Reply 12
This is a joke right?
I'm going to bump this because an AAB student applying to LMU is the most retarded thing I've ever heard.
Reply 14
I was having second thoughts about having LMU as a 4th/5th choice (was thinking about it just in case things went really wrong with my grades) - definately won't be having it now if that story's true :s-smilie:
Reply 15
i got high grades and studied in liverpool for 2 years. i decided to move to a london uni (because my boyfriend is from london) this coming september to do a teaching course and london met is the only place that teachers educational studies. after reading all this im seirously regretting it!
i got high grades and studied in liverpool for 2 years. i decided to move to a london uni (because my boyfriend is from london) this coming september to do a teaching course and london met is the only place that teachers educational studies. after reading all this im seirously regretting it!

Well, you moving because of your bf is pretty stupid in itself..
good luck at LMU :wink:
Reply 17
Well, you moving because of your bf is pretty stupid in itself..
good luck at LMU :wink:

cheers? except ive been with my boyfriend 7 years and there was also the fact that i didnt enjoy my course in liverpool .... but very helpful input there:rolleyes:
cheers? except ive been with my boyfriend 7 years and there was also the fact that i didnt enjoy my course in liverpool .... but very helpful input there:rolleyes:

7 years? :eek:
okay my bad...
its cus' i know people who have been with their boyfriend for 4 months, then go to the Uni closest to them, and then they end up breaking up, and the girl is completely stuck...

Okay..hmm...LMU isnt a good uni, but, its still a Uni nevertheless, so just do well and then go and do a postgrad at a much better Uni, and then it'll be okay :P
Also, check to see if your department is one of the ones that LMU cut funding, because that'll affect a *lot* of things

Good luck!
Reply 19
do you know how i can check about the funding? iv heard alot about the uni loosing coursework and basicaly very unorganised so i guess ill have to be on the ball a lot more. i will have to do a post grad sort of thing to recieve my full qualified teaching status and i will hopefully do this elsewhere, maybe at essex university as this is close to where i shall be living and i have heard some good things about it. i guess all universities have good and bad points for different courses.

thanks for the reply