The Student Room Group

mole(papilloma) removal question

I've been at my dermatologist today. I wanted to check my moles and ask about solarium, since I have lots of moles and I thought it cud be dangerous for me to go to solarium. He said, that I have not moles but papillomas. (very strange coz they look just like moles, tho they grow) and he said it wud be better to remove them with laser. He also said it is not dangerous for me at all to go to solaruim (even tho I have such a white skeen). So after that I have some questions.
IF I do the mole (papilloma) removal with laser, does it hurt? HOw much time for curing?
is it really not dangerous to go to solarium, even tho my skin is very white and sensative. and even tho I have so many moles?
I'm no expert, but I do believe it can be dangerous if you go a lot...if you really want to go, don't go too often, e.g. three times a week like some people.
Reply 2
I would have thought if your dermatologist has said it is safe then it would be.
True that... in moderate amounts it should be fine.
Reply 4
what about mole removal. Has anyone done it? Does it hurt if they remove it with laser?
What kind of dermatologist is this?
I refuse to believe he is a doctor. Sure it wasn't some chinese herbalist or something?
Reply 6
What kind of dermatologist is this?
I refuse to believe he is a doctor. Sure it wasn't some chinese herbalist or something?

Yes, because Chinese herbalists advocate the use of lasers on a regular basis.
Reply 7
What kind of dermatologist is this?
I refuse to believe he is a doctor. Sure it wasn't some chinese herbalist or something?

hahahah, funny ur :smile:
yep, it was a real dermatologist. Not chinese, not herabilst, the very usual one. But I agree...I didnt trust him for some reason, and think I should check it with some other doc.
More than that, I 'googled' papillomas (as he sad i had exactly them, not moles) and they look very different. My look just like usual moles...very strange
1) a dermatologist will never ever ever ever say to use a solarium. Even the psoriasis patients who benefit from light are pushed towards proerp medical 'solariums' as it were.
2) lazers to remove moles or warts? since when? what happened to the billion and one cheap options in between. or rather proven treatments.,..

very dodgy...