The Student Room Group
Reply 1
If your 28 fit, healthy & qualified why not?
Andy Pipkin
Is 28 too old to start working in a gym? It seems like a young man's job. :s-smilie:

No, but you may not get too many clients.
Not too many want an elderly fitness instructor.
Reply 3
I never knew 28 was classed as elderly these days.
I work in a lesiure centre part time and most of the duty managers are 24/26 sorta age range. Most people who are 28 in the industry have already moved out of the industry or gone to work in headquaters or become the site manager. 28 is old to just become a fitness instructor - you would have to be specially trained to degree level and be a personal coach to make any money at that age and work in a up market spa rather than your bog standard gym.
I never knew 28 was classed as elderly these days.

No, for that industry 28 is over the hill. Would the average 19 to 22 year old who frequent gyms really want to hire an instructor who is nearly 30 ? Would be nearly as bad as having your dad give you lessons at the gym.

However, I did meet a 45+ year old fitness instructor once.
She had done a sports degree late in life and was doing fitness classes ( really just walking around in a circle and lifting arms ) for nursing homes. She dealt with the 70 + age group. That might be a niche to look at. However she only had enough work for around 12 hours / week. This was ok for her since her husband had a well paid job in finance and her job was mainly a hobby.
Reply 6
At all gyms you get the proper oldies who still knock about because they love fitness. They're like the PE teachers we had at school.

As for being too old, I don't think you are as long as you are fit and heallthy. Don't listen to people saying you should be aiming higher, go for the instructor role if you want it.

Good Luck!
No, but you may not get too many clients.
Not too many want an elderly fitness instructor.

"elderly" ouch, watch it Fundamentally even I am past 22 now :wink: and I am sure the years will fly by from now on. Fitness used to be one of my passions, usually is in the summer vacation. I say if you look inspirational then its worth a shot. I mean I know she is a celeb but Madonna looks in amazing shape for her age. I bet many people would not mind her training them up celeb or otherwise just out of respect for the way she has cared for her body.
Yeah I think you're right, I will be too old.

I guess I will just study for a Sports Science degree for my own happiness and interests, and not use it to form a career out of.

At the moment I work for Sainsbury's - I guess I will still work for Sainsbury's even after I graduate. At least that way I won't ever have to pay back my student loans.

So really, what is the point of the fitness industry? It's ok to work in a gym until you're 25, then what? Change career? Sit in an office? Stack shelves?

What do you do when you're over 25? You can't get proper admin jobs because you're not educated enough and do not have the right qualifications. And becoming a manager of your own gym is definitely not a realistic option for most people.

Sports Science seems like a mickey mouse degree to me. I wish I hadn't bothered applying now.
Reply 9
well one of the trainers at my gym is 47, but then i suppose his a bouncer too and been training for a long time and knows his **** if you get me so his a good trainer. There is a fitness instructer who is about 50, he owns the gym, he's doing well he also has boxing fitness classes and stuff like that too. Its fun. I wanted to be a fitness instructer and some of my friends told me i should, but rents wont allowed it, theyre all "you have to go to uni and get an education bla bla bla". If you really want to do it, and it'll make you happy, do it!
"elderly" ouch, watch it Fundamentally even I am past 22 now :wink: and I am sure the years will fly by from now on. Fitness used to be one of my passions, usually is in the summer vacation. I say if you look inspirational then its worth a shot. I mean I know she is a celeb but Madonna looks in amazing shape for her age. I bet many people would not mind her training them up celeb or otherwise just out of respect for the way she has cared for her body.

I totally agree with you Laura_BCL :smile: I have a friend who is 24 and she's about to open up her own business - yes she is a fitness instructor!

Laura_BCL's post all the way :biggrin: Btw hun, what are you studying? I'm doing general science at uni, nearly finished yay. Well, in 6 months - I have a class in about 5 mins :s:
Reply 11
Your name wouldn't happen to be "Jim" would it?

Why is age such a big problem? You´re not older than you feel, I think... I´m 29 this year, I´ve applied for Fitness and Personal training, starting Sep-07. I know many fitness instructor older than 28. One of the best PT´s I´ve had was around 30, should be around 32-33 today. It´s not about age, it´s what the instructor gives you. If he/she makes exercise feel easy and fun, then it doesn´t matter if he/she is 15 or 60 years old. But that´s my opinon....
Reply 13
28 is too old to be a gym instructor.

Not only is this thought bull and narrow-minded, it is illegal to discriminate against a persons age.

Age was not a consideration in my application. Personality, qualifications and registration was. Get the idea?
I think a 28 year old fitness instructor would be OK if they had been training up for the last 10 years or so and by 28 were super fit, strong etc. and an expert in fitness...

...for someone starting out though, I think it's a bit late :frown:
Andy Pipkin
Is 28 too old to start working in a gym? It seems like a young man's job. :s-smilie:

You could help train the oldies.
Geriatric fitness is a growing industry.
I thought physical peak was 30+ . . . didn't Linford Christie get his fastest time at 34?

At my (luxury) gym, most of the trainers are late 20s or early 30s.