The Student Room Group

Had cough/cold for THREE weeks

As the title says, I've had this constant cough/cold for three whole weeks. Surely this cant be normal?
The cough isnt really chesty, there is a very small amount of flem just constantly in the back of my throat, which just tickles and makes me cough 24/7.
I've just felt all bunged up and down for the past 3 weeks. It started to go away after about a week, but then came back with a vengance. I'm tired all the time.

Do you reckon this is just a normal cold? Or something more sinister?

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Reply 1
hey, firstly i hope you feel better soon.

my girlfriend has exactly the same thing and she went to her doctor yesterday. apparently there is a really bad flu going round at the minute (8 people in my class were off at one point).

the doctor said that it would take at least a week to go away (she has had it for 3 weeks) and there was nothing really he could prescribe but oddly suggested that she take nurofen and another type of painkiller at the same time....i don't know if that sounds sensible though.:smile:

get well soon anyway, i hate feeling like that an to me it sounds fluish.
Reply 2
Three weeks ?!. That's a long time - think u should go to your Gp. Maybe you have some kind of virus / infection, which needs antibiotics.
go to the GP -- get antibioticz and then in about a week or 2 you will feel brand new :smile:

ok the rhyming was ttootaallly unintentional!
Reply 4
Maybe you have some kind of virus / infection, which needs antibiotics.

If it is a virus, antibiotics will be useless.
Reply 5
As the title says, I've had this constant cough/cold for three whole weeks. Surely this cant be normal?
The cough isnt really chesty, there is a very small amount of flem just constantly in the back of my throat, which just tickles and makes me cough 24/7.
I've just felt all bunged up and down for the past 3 weeks. It started to go away after about a week, but then came back with a vengance. I'm tired all the time.

Do you reckon this is just a normal cold? Or something more sinister?

suck it up and wait til it goes
Reply 6
The Nurofen will be to halt swelling, particularly in the nasal passage where it can inhibit breathing and therefore sleep.
Take some tonic, like 7 seas or minadex, which should help you build up your strength a bit, other than that I hope you feel better soon! :hugs:
I once had a so called cold for over 6 weeks! It drove me crazy. But I eventually when to my GP, and apparently I had a sinus infection and was therefore prescribed antibiotics..maybe you'll need something stong like this.
Reply 9
What does it sound like when you cough? I know that sounds like a daft question, but if you sound like a seal barking you may have croup. This is what I've just had (and possibly still got but my cough sounds different now so I think I've got something else!) but it's viral so you've just got to ride it out and use cough syrups, that mostly don't work. But it is worth getting checked out because if it is a bacterial chest infection the doctor can give you antibiotics.
I'm in this club. I've had a virus for 2 weeks now. It's a bloody pain in the arse. The doc told me that antibiotics aren't going to do much, but he did encourage me to gargle soluble aspirin in water. That seems to help.
Reply 11
my friend was like that- turned out she had pneumonia.
Reply 12
mine has just gone away, but not before i managed to give it to all of my friends :biggrin:

but yeah, it's a drag, you just have to live with it i'm afraid :s-smilie:

x x
My Mum has had a really bad cold, then laryngitis and now a cold again for just over a week and it doesn't seem to be getting much better. She hasn't been this ill in 4 years! I definitely think there's a virus going around.
Reply 14
If your cold hangs around for a long time you MUST check it out with a GP, as someone said above, it can develop into pneumonia, and unless you wanna spend the next couple of months in ITU you shouldn't take the chance. Check it out!
Reply 15
If your cold hangs around for a long time you MUST check it out with a GP, as someone said above, it can develop into pneumonia, and unless you wanna spend the next couple of months in ITU you shouldn't take the chance. Check it out!

See, now this is when I start to get paranoid and hypochondriacal- we deal with lots of bacteria in our pracitcals and one of them has been the one that causes pneumonia.....
I also have a temperature. My college nurse has ordered me to go to the GP.
Reply 16
I had mine for the last 4 weeks, it'll go away after a bit, just maybe don't drink quite so much whilst you've got it.

I've got that. Had a chest infection over Xmas which I got over, but then I picked up this cold and have had it for about a month - it's starting to go now though. Covonia is quite good for the cough, and tastes so strong that it'll clear out your nasal passages for a few minutes!
Reply 18
I had freshers flu in October (funnily enough!) that lasted 5/6 weeks!

It was awful, i just drank loads of orange juice (proper stuff, tropicana) and lemsip.

There are real buggers of colds atm, especially if you are at uni where they seem to fester.
Reply 19
Tropicana always does the trick