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Stammering in social situations. What can i do about it ?

Ok. Since i was young i've always had a, speech impediment. I've had speech therapy in the past.

If i'm in a one-one social situation, the stammering gets bad & i can't get words out. Sometimes i'm trying so hard to say a word, that it takes me ages to get it out :redface:

So i hate social situations,because when i get anxious it increases my stammering.So interviews etc are a complete nightmare. As is talking on the telephone - usually always text people.

I have an interview soon - and would love advice on how to control my stammering. Or atleast not let it control me & the interview :redface:
Reply 1
Should i have more speech therapy ? Really don't want to mess up this interview :frown: :redface:
Reply 2
I can't say much ..except that you should see a speech therapist again. But why haven't you tried solving this problem before? You can't be cut off from the society.

You just made me think.. my little brother also stammers some times, expecially when he gets excited. I would be looking forward to the replies in this thread :smile:

Good Luck.
Reply 3
Whats speech therapy?
I used to stammer quite a bit too. Believe it or not, (this sounds weird :s-smilie:) talking to myself seemed to partially help. Also, I suppose another deciding factor in reducing stuttering was about a year ago, when I changed my entire character, including attempting to be more eloquent (I'd like to think I am now!) - since then, I don't stammer at all (except when I'm really, really nervous! :redface:)

This might be just me :p: but hope it helps slightly. Good luck with the interview! Just keep calm, and you'll be fine (or just get drunk, but I found that made me slur madly... :s-smilie: :wink:)

Reply 5
When i get nervous my stammering gets really bad. So am desperatley worried about this interview.:frown:
When i'm put on the spot & asked questions, my speech gets really bad. I get more & more panicky & struggle to say the most simple words :redface:
This may be a tad too drastic, but I used to have a slight speech impediment in the past, and somebody recommended a voice training book. I used this one - by Roger Love, and now I have a voice I really like.

Like I said though, this may be a tad drastic. I also wanted to learn how to sing, so I got this book for both reasons. Good luck with finding solutions though mate. :smile:
Reply 7
Thanks for all your advice :smile:

I guess i really need,advice on coping during the intreview !!
Reply 8
Okay. Say stuff slllllllllowly at the start of the words you know you have trouble with. Say stuff on an exhale. If you "block", take a deep breath and say it on the exhale of substitute. Act relaxed, even though you aren't. If it gets real bad, say to them "Oh, this happens when I'm nervous, sorry!". They'll understand. Oh, and scripted answers do help!

My techniques I use for social situs.
Reply 9
What are you going for an interview for? If its for a job where youre going to be surrounded by people, then obviously they are going to judge you, and its going to be more difficult. If youre going for something like a uni interview, try and put a positive slant on it. For example before the interview starts explain to them, and however long it takes, dont worry, that you have had a speech impediment since you were younger, and it gets worse when youre nervous. Obviously youre really nervous at the interview because you so want the place, because of (insert reason). Then put a positive spin on it. For example, although it can have a negative impact on your life, its also had some positive ones, for example you find it easier than many other people to understand people with other problems, having spent your own life trying to deal with this.
I know this doesnt help with the actual speech impediment, bu it may help take some of the pressure off, or mean that the speech impediment has less of an impact on the interview.
Reply 10
Thanks so much for your tips and advice - very grateful :smile:

It's a job interview - to work in a Nursery School. I want this job so desperatley, but know my speech will cause me to fail the interveiw :frown:

My stammering is getting worse, as the interview gets closer :frown: And i really don't want to embarrase myself. Very often i get "blocked" & can't get a single word out. :redface:

Doubt i'll ever pass an interview :frown:
Ok here's some advice.

Don't over think the word! It sounds daft but if i over think a word it transformed into a hideous beast!

"Slow' yo' ass down mo fo'" Say that very slow: it's lovely!
Think of that when you start to speed up!

Don't over think but slow down.
Reply 12
Once i start to stammer, i can't slow myself down. My heart starts pounding and i get increasingly more anxious. So the stammering increases :frown:

I do make a conscious effort to slow my speech down. But when i get stuck on a word, it all falls apart. I've been known to spend minutes trying to get a word out :redface: