The Student Room Group

Insight, anyone? (guys confuse me)

Ok, I realise that it's hard to offer analysis of a situation without knowing the individuals involved, but I'd appreciate it if someone would have a go because I'm terribly confused. I've been friends with this guy for a few months, and have liked him for most of that time. I didn't really have an idea of how he felt about me until I went round his a few weeks ago and some stuff happened between us (didn't sleep together but essentially everything else). Afterwards he referred to us dating and didn't seem to see it as a once- off. However, for various reasons we didn't meet again until the other day, when we went out with some friends. Everything seemed to be fine, usual interaction with friends and no discernible tension or awkwardness. After drinking quite a lot, the others went home and left us together. We talked about this, that and the other, but avoided any discussion of the situation between us (it seemed that we were both deliberately skirting round it but maybe wanting to talk about it).
What I'd like to know, mainly from guys, is whether you'd lose interest in a girl who went from having a platonic relationship with you to playing with your c**k in the space of a couple of hours. Also, would you expect the girl to arrange the next date/meeting/whatever on the basis that you'd done this previously? Would you bother to maintain the friendship with afore-mentioned girl if you weren't interested in "that" way? And finally (sorry) how would you respond to the whole situation if you were really shy about this kind of stuff and not sure how the girl viewed it?
I know it's really stupid to have done all that with someone and then not be able to discuss it, but regrettably it's something I can't change (will be more sensible in the future), so I'd just like insight, please:smile: Thanks to anyone who bothered to read such lengthy description.
Reply 1
I think you need to talk with him about this, no matter what way you look at this, you will never know unless you talk to him.

So whether that be face-face (best) or via phone (ok) or MSN (worst, but generally get good results) you need to talk to him.

All men are different, like all women so it is hard to answer your questions.

You need to talk to him, however hard it maybe.

Best of luck,
Reply 2
Now, now. You should know better - it's a subjective thing so it varies from guy to guy.

Personally, although it largely depends on circumstance and the girl in question; I would have more respect for her if she didn't go straight for the goods.
Reply 3
It seems that you have done all the hard work and it is quite possible he is thinking the same things you are, you must muster some confidence and call the dude, arrange another date, the sooner the better.