Is there any reason a male of 20 would lose leg hair? The past few years Ive had normal leg hair, distributed evenly all over and quite dark.
Recently, huge areas have dissapeared or turned lighter to blonde, and it seriously looks like ive shaved my lower legs
I want my manly hairy legs back, whats going on?
I would go talk to a doctor about it. It may be nothing, but these kind of things can also be sympthomes of more serious problems, so getting a professional opinion will probably be good.
If you ever find out the reason let me know because the same thing has been happening to me and it is freaking me out. I just turned 20 as well and I am healthy all other ways. So if you could let me know what you find out that would be great. At least you know that it isn't just you.
your so lucky! us women have to wax/shave and your naturally losing leg hair! My dad lost all his leg hair out of a sudden , he was like "utleast my legs are now more silky and smooth" :P anyway seriously have you used any dodgy creams before? or maybe its your hormones playing up! See a doctor as most have suggested , wish you luck!
I think it's got something to do with wearing socks. They've defeninitely been the reason why my hair has gone, unless you have extremely bushy legs then that is slightly strange, but ey socks play a part in it.