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The University of Greenwich...

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Reply 60
Goldsmiths is better I expect.
Reply 61
All I know is that their media och communication degrees are ranked top 7 in the times online uni. ranking.
Reply 62
But media degrees are for those who aren't capable of doing a humanities degree.
Reply 63
or aren't particularly interested in doing one...
Reply 64
Due to their incapacity.
Reply 65
or the fact that they actually really want to study media
I dont go to Greenwich uni, but the unis in a really nice area and some of the buidings are quite amazing considering the reputation of the uni.
Reply 67
Now I heard it all, your laughing at someone doing events management yet your doing something just as retarded and irrelevant. Oh my..


Irrelevant to what? History graduates go on to do all sorts of things. Accountancy and Law being two of the most popular routes. The study of History has been one of the most highly regarded pursuits for hundreds of years, hardly "retarded".
You cannot get into accounting, medicine or law without a degree. You ******.

You can actually get into accounting and medicine without a degree. You can get into accounting with only a-levels (minimum requirement 3 B's at a-level) providing a company will train you, medicine and law can both be entered with diplomas or professional experience of any sort. Although a degree is the easiest acess route if you have the time and money.
Reply 69

Irrelevant to what? History graduates go on to do all sorts of things. Accountancy and Law being two of the most popular routes. The study of History has been one of the most highly regarded pursuits for hundreds of years, hardly "retarded".

Mostly true, except History has only been a proper academic subject for about 150 years.
Reply 70
As opposed to media, which has never been a "proper" academic subject.
Reply 71
lol true

but it's not really claiming to be, or is it?
Reply 72
What job can you get after graduating with a history degree? Lol.
Reply 73
I read somewhere, not sure how reliable the source was, that History graduates occupy more higher management roles than any other degree...

And whether that's the case or not there's a lot you can do with a History degree.
Reply 74
What job can you get after graduating with a history degree? Lol.

Same jobs you can get with any other non job-specific degree. What a stupid question.
Reply 75
Alex_K, I can't quite see - is your picture from Darkplace?
Reply 76
Yep :biggrin:.
Reply 77
woohooo i just accepted my place at greenwich. excited, much?!

same here!:smile: which campus are you going to?
Reply 78
Yep :biggrin:.

Haha that's so cool
Reply 79
just accepted my place see you there !