The Student Room Group

RVC interview

I have an interview at RVC next week and was wondering if anyone has any pointers as to what the interviews there are like. It's the only place i've been given an interview for, so I havn't had any practise and I'm a bit worried that I don't really know what i'm letting myself in for!
Reply 1
my best peice of advice wud be to know what puppys n kittens r vaccinated for. and to revise every aspect of your personal statement. if you say you spent time at a horse stud, know the vaccinations and any illnesses a vet would be called out for (ie. laminitis).

Also BE CONFIDENT. and admit if you dont know something.

also think about why you want to be a vet, why you want to go to the RVC, and be able to talk bout any hobbies you have out of school.

check out, theyve got some good posts.
My RVC interview was my best one. They were really nice and they were the only uni that asked about my interests and hobbies outside of vet. They weren't very clinical so don't worry about that.

Maybe have an op u saw and a case u observed - research around it so you have something to talk about.

Don't worry you'll be fine - they were really nice to me!
Reply 3
I think the best advice would be to make sure you know your personal statement inside out and back to front cos they use it for 99.9% of the interview. My RVC interview was my first interview too and it was scary as hell as I didnt know what to expect. They are really nice tho and usually ask you a couple of questions about hobbies etc to relax you and ease you into it. Like Lucyrobyn said, dont try to make things up, if you dont know an answer, say you dont know. They wont mind, you're not expected to know everything! If possible, if you get asked a question about something you dont know, explain you dont know but have a go at the answer anyway. Even if its completely wrong at least they can see you tried. Also make sure you know your view about things like stem cell research / bird flu vaccines / vegetarianism etc etc as they like throwing in ethical questions. Good luck!
The RVC interview was also my first, but it was brilliant. The panel were incredibly nice and even managed to laugh at my (un)funny comments!

Throughout the interview, I admitted I didn't know some things but they didn't seem offended. I even blanked on a question and just said 'oh god, I can't think - my minds gone blank'. They give you time to think and if you're struggling they'll help you out by suggesting ideas.

The question weren't too probing - mostly about zoonosis - badger culling, TB and BSE. A few ethical questions on how I would deal with owners and animal testing. Work experience and a little about school life.

Make sure you have a few questions in your mind to ask - I think we spent about 5 minutes answering mine.
I've just had my interview with the RVC yesterday, I enjoyed it, and it was a very interesting discussion. The ethics questions were intriguing and my brain ended up thinking in new ways! I didnt get that many ethics questions at the other schools. Anyone been the the Science Museum - on floor 5 they have a room devoted to Vet Med albeit a small one. It's not a patch on the RVC. I enjoyed finding out about Eclipse and Sefton. Anyone there yesterday? What did you think?
Reply 6
I had my RVC interview yesterday, and I can say it's quite cool. There was a panel of 3 interviewers, and they mainly focused on things from my UCAS form and personal statement. The like to talk about outside interests and general things, but they did ask me loads of ethical questions, which was kind of similar to my interviews @ Cambridge. They do ask about work experience as well, farm stuff mainly. Motivations for studying the course, if you're applying for D101 (are you Tikanni?) and motivations for studying vet med. Good luck!
Reply 7
I had my interview on Thursday.

Wasnt that stressful and was quite intresting

Met really cool people, If I met you Im Aaron BTW
Aaron did you go to the british museum but miss king tut? If you did I'm Emma I spoke to you in the video room. Good Luck everyone!
Reply 9
Im not sure, Britsh Museum doesnt sound like me lol. Its all vague now lol.

Maybe It was, Maybe it was.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH just found out I have an RVC interview next month! xD
Reply 11
This is a seriously old thread...but good luck!
Original post by blahhh
This is a seriously old thread...but good luck!

Ahaa oops didnt even notice :L Thanks

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