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Reply 1
A lot of guys I know have talked about how certain drinks give them black vomit. What were you drinking?
Reply 2
I think that black colour's blood. I did first aid and they told me that if blood comes up from the stomach, it'll come across as a sort of reddy-black (kinda like jam) [as opposed to from the lungs, which is pink and frothy].
Then again, it might just be that what you ate last night was very dark, and so when you threw it up, it came up black. Do you recall binging on Oreos, at all? :smile:
Reply 3
Actually, sorry, if it was runny, it probably isn't blood. Sorry to worry you :smile: Might have just been what you were drinking, like ForumFreak says.
Reply 4
Guiness my child, guiness.
Reply 5
I was very ill last September, hadn't eaten in days but decided to join in with everyone who was drinking vodka shots. I was extremely ill, spent the rest of the night in the bathroom being sick. It was a lovely black/very dark brown colour. Very disgusting.....

I don't know what causes it to be honest, thats just what happened during my horrible experience. What were you drinking that night and had you been drinking on an empty stomach?
Reply 6
Coke? Drinks with coke have given me black vomit before.
coal dust?
Reply 8
coal dust?

Eee have you been down that pit again?
Reply 9
Eee have you been down that pit again?

- Yeah, that would do it!
- I always love having a shower when i come of the steamboat after a few days. Whole shower goes jet black as you rinse you hair off. :s

But yeah, what you drink does affect the colour of the morning afters contribution.
- After night of 'nastys' (snakebite and black) it always comes out a nice deep purple! Its a bit like beatroot, only from the other end...

It wouldn't be anything you ate or drank, even if it was black to begin with, as the acid bath that is the stomach decomposes most stuff to a point where the colour it originally was isn't really visible. It's most likely to be the lining of your stomach - gross but true. It could either have been the sheer amount you drank that caused some of it to be eroded away, or that you had some kind of a reaction to a particular ingredient. Either way, eat only bland food for today, like chicken, fish or white rice (if you can bear to eat anything!), avoid anything sugary or acidic like fruit, fruit juice, plus the obvious like chocolate and sweets, and if you want to take a painkiller, stick to paracetamol - avoid anything labelled NSAID (the most common is ibuprofen) as these will irritate your stomach further. Drink plenty of water and get a good night's sleep tonight. You probably haven't done any permanent damage but if you're still feeling ****ty and throwing up by tomorrow give your doctor a call.
Reply 11
It's happened to me before.

Got back to mine with a few mates, when I let one of them out I went from fine (drunk, but stable) to suddenly having to run to the toilet and borking. It was black and amusing.

I never understood why it was black, but it wasn't anything bad. I had a shower as I do when I get back from a night out (unless I don't go home) and woke up right as ray.
I was very ill last September, hadn't eaten in days but decided to join in with everyone who was drinking vodka shots. I was extremely ill, spent the rest of the night in the bathroom being sick. It was a lovely black/very dark brown colour. Very disgusting.....

I don't know what causes it to be honest, thats just what happened during my horrible experience. What were you drinking that night and had you been drinking on an empty stomach?

That would have been bile, produced in your duodenum, from past your stomach. That tends to happen when you vomit alot not having eaten anything.

How did that ever seem like a good idea?
Reply 13
thanks for help everyone.. i felt fine was jst worried by the black colour of it :s-smilie: ..all i'd had was vodka (admittedly cheap ****)..
Reply 14
thanks for help everyone.. i felt fine was jst worried by the black colour of it :s-smilie: ..all i'd had was vodka (admittedly cheap ****)..

sounds like it was blood then, or something from your body as no food you ate could have caused it. i'v been sick after vodka loads of times and it was never black, maybe u should go to the doctors quick
Thats happened to me before. I thought I was dying but was too drunk to care :P
Reply 16
Yeh ive had that before,but i had a ruptured stomach ulcer:eek:
Reply 17
Golden Maverick
That would have been bile, produced in your duodenum, from past your stomach. That tends to happen when you vomit alot not having eaten anything.

How did that ever seem like a good idea?

I think it was a spur of the moment type thing. I knew at the time I shouldn't be doing it and I didn't have an awful lot to drink, but at the time, I didn't really think that I would make myself so ill. Very stupid idea, and I felt terrible for giving into the whole peer pressure thing knowing I had been unwell but i've since learned from that mistake.

Yes, probably was but it was very disgusting. I don't remember it too much, I really only know what people told me. Thats why I asked if they had had anything because the thing I do remember is getting very upset about the colour, I remember being quite worried about it. I never really thought for one moment that thats what it would be, just reminded me of a past experience, a rather horrible one at that....
if you smoke your sick is normally black and if you inhale it even.
Reply 19
I dont think this is the same thing... but my brother is disabled and has a tube up his nose into his stomach. Anyways when hes ill black stuff comes up the tube and apparantly thats a sign of stress. Yours just sounds like you drank something with a dodgy colour