The Student Room Group


It's time for the Grumpy Old Graduate Society. Post here if you want to join and for GOG chat. (I edit to put in a list of the members when I get the chance).

Would be nice if it was a sticky!

Honourable Members

Da Bachtopus
scarlet ibis
The Boosh

Associates (Those who are grumpy but not yet graduates)


Honourary Members

Chuck Norris (First Class Honours in Pain)

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Reply 1
First to post!:biggrin:
Joinage of the soc please
Reply 3
woohooo (oh sorry - too happy) I mean "that'll do" :grump:

I motion that we redefine :biggrin: as a wry, grumpy smile signifying the wry, grumpy sort of happiness that is still permissible in our society.

And I also suggest that we devise our own type of vanity sig listing all our achievements in terms of grumpiness, in order to counter all those happy-smiley 10 A* at GCSEs sigs.
Reply 4

And I also suggest that we devise our own type of vanity sig listing all our achievements in terms of grumpiness, in order to counter all those happy-smiley 10 A* at GCSEs sigs.

I put a spoiler in so that the inquisitive can see my academic achievements but I think I'll replace it with:

I already have my degree so I don't give a **** what your predicted grades are.

GOGSoc is now an official soc so get your requests in. We also need to decide on a leader.
Reply 5
I put a spoiler in so that the inquisitive can see my academic achievements but I think I'll replace it with:

I already have my degree so I don't give a **** what your predicted grades are.

GOGSoc is now an official soc so get your requests in. We also need to decide on a leader.

Alternatively you could expand it to include the grades you got on the individual papers of your undergraduate degree as well. People on TSR are dying to know that sort of thing, apparently...:biggrin:
Reply 6
Alternatively you could expand it to include the grades you got on the individual papers of your undergraduate degree as well. People on TSR are dying to know that sort of thing, apparently...:biggrin:

Excellent, especially because St Andrews use a non-linear 20 point grading system that I won't explain.
Reply 7
I'm a grumpy old graduate :mad:

I also think putting my grades in my sig would not be the best of ideas, especially my organic chemistry final paper...ahem...
Reply 8
See if I did that I'd have to tell everyone that I got 25% for "Physical Geographies" in my second year...

(it was one of 2 extra modules I took and was 60% coursework - which I didn't bother doing because it was dull, but I sat the exam for a laugh anyway)

Well, judging by the GCSE/A-level achievements sigs, you've got two options, really: you could either give the real mark and illustrate your dismay through an appropriate smiley (:mad:, obviously), possibly followed by a lengthy explanation in brackets (the lecturer sucked, my granny got ill, my computer broke, there was an earthquake and anyway i obviously only did that paper for a joke lol) or you could lie and retrospectively award yourself 75% in the safe knowledge that no-one will be able to check anyway. Both of those are good TSR practice.:wink:
Reply 9
Stop, you are giving me a hernia! :biggrin:

Now we still need a glorious leader... I vote PQ because she's important round these parts.
Stop, you are giving me a hernia! :biggrin:

Now we still need a glorious leader... I vote PQ because she's important round these parts.

seconded, unless PQ or anyone else disagrees.
Im in.
But i dont want to be GOG overlord because im lazy.
PQ - youre my man.
Reply 12
The Boosh
Im in.
But i dont want to be GOG overlord because im lazy.
PQ - youre my man.

Is she now?:p:

Anyway, for what it's worth, I agree - PQ for GOGSoc Overlady!:biggrin:
Reply 13
I do believe we have achieved a majority.
Reply 14

But I'm not even a student - I'm the enemy of all you postgrads/future academics...I'm a member of the administration - and even worse the CENTRAL administration - not the nice lade in the office who helps sort out expense claims!

I set targets and quantify things and point out that you aren't quite as great as you like to think you are :eek:

But that's perfect, because that's why we are all so grumpy!
Reply 15

But I'm not even a student - I'm the enemy of all you postgrads/future academics...I'm a member of the administration - and even worse the CENTRAL administration - not the nice lade in the office who helps sort out expense claims!

I set targets and quantify things and point out that you aren't quite as great as you like to think you are :eek:

That sounds exactly like the sort of person we need to compile the GOGSoc International Grumpiness League Table (GIGLT). Excellent.:biggrin:

By the way, CB, you still haven't added Boosh to the list yet...
6 members, not bad. surely there has to be some more GOGs out there. What about all the IR and finance and business TarnakaV LSE lot, surely they must get annoyed at some times or are they just far to happy that they will end up with oodles of cash.
Reply 17
Hmm.... I was going to post to ask to join, but realised I am a bit ahead of myself since I still have 3 months left to graduate! Doh!

Reserve me a place because I am definitely grumpy enough...
Reply 18
Hmm.... I was going to post to ask to join, but realised I am a bit ahead of myself since I still have 3 months left to graduate! Doh!

Oh, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on... You can make up for it though extra grumpiness for the time being, you know.:wink:
Reply 19
Oh, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on... You can make up for it though extra grumpiness for the time being, you know.:wink:

:mad: :mad: :mad: :frown: Hmph, If I have to.... *grumble*


EDIT - Oh, I like this! No more pretending to be happy and nice! :biggrin: :eek: