The Student Room Group

Architecture at KENT


I'm soon going to be putting Kent as my firm. When I visited, it was lovely. The studios were really spacious and had blue floors! wow! And there was a workshop for wood and metal work which was fantastic.

I had my interview with a structural engineer. And I got an offer last night for 280 points yay!

Any other people here applying to Kent for Architecture?

I've applied and have an interview soon though i'm not sure whether to go because i've been told it's one of the weakest architecture courses in the country.

I'm sure Kent's a lovely place, but like I said, the course is no Bath or Nottingham...
Hi again.

Having just got rejected by the 2 uni's I was planning to put as my insurance [Sheffield and Edinburgh] im now pretty much left with Kent or De Montfort, and De Montfort is completly out of the question.

I have an interview at Kent tomorrow that I wasnt planning to go to but with the rejections, now I will be going.

Now how bad is Architecture at Kent? Because the standard offer is 280points, and thats not to high, so if I did go there, will I be going to one of the lesser Architecture courses in the country?

Reply 3
regardless of the points offer, if you go to kent, you will be going to one of the lesser regarded courses for architecture in the UK. you said so yourself in your earlier post - its reputation hasn't improved in the past 2 weeks.
Kent good, it famous for it Architecture courses. I wanted to go there. but the cost of living there kind of scare me. If you get a chance to study in Kent, go for it. because 98% out of 100% who study from Kent get a job while studying in your last year.
However, if you don't want to study there, don't go. You need to like the unive too beside the course.
how can it be famous for its architecture course within a space of 4 years?
My GCSE tutor keep pushing me to go to Kent. Beside the amount of guests lecture they arranage.....someone got to have heard of them.
Beside..... think about it. Kent..... everyone knows where Kent is or at least hear the name.
Reply 7
Yeh.. i dont fink kent is that famous 4 architecture.. I mean its not ranked very high, and its not exactly one of the uni'z thats most talked about, although i dont know what the course is like, it might b quite good. And just because Kent the area is well known doesnt mean that the university of Kent is famous.
Reply 8
kent mite be a popular uni., but its probably one of the bottom for architecture. its a very new course, and im not sure if they got the RIBA exemption. u better check on that
Reply 9
My GCSE tutor keep pushing me to go to Kent. Beside the amount of guests lecture they arranage.....someone got to have heard of them.
Beside..... think about it. Kent..... everyone knows where Kent is or at least hear the name.

most archi schools arrange guest lecturers, so that doesn't make kent exceptional. on the grounds that everyone knows where kent is, that's true, but most people know where newcastle, glasgow, sheffield, brighton, portsmouth, plymouth, etc are. i suppose going with your argument the only bad schools might be places like "de montford" as people might not know where it is... (is it leicester?).

the course is new, i think it recently received riba accreditation (november last year I seem to recall) but its not famous and its not particularly highly ranked if you're concerned about these matters.
Reply 10
i've been to kent last year for an interview...i dont seem to recall that the studios were 'spacious'...however everything is clean-cut...obviously cos the buildings new...but its no way near 'famous' for architecture, but thats not to say it wont be in the years to come....
Reply 11
IT could well become a respected school for architecture, but u really want to got there while it is famous for its architecture. however kent is a great uni overall. i was going to apply but then put kingston instead.
Reply 12
the building isnt new. its an oldish building. they told us that it used to be a physics building made up of lots of small cell-like rooms. its been refurbished and walls have been removed or so I've been told by them
i've been to kent last year for an interview...i dont seem to recall that the studios were 'spacious'...however everything is clean-cut...obviously cos the buildings new...but its no way near 'famous' for architecture, but thats not to say it wont be in the years to come....

I guess you are right. The space in the studio were a bit small.
The teacher from High School were really pushing me toward it. I think this left me with the image of Kent being the best.

I take my word back.