The Student Room Group

A-level Sex Education


Would you study it on the condition that it was a challenging and difficult subject?

Is it true that there are plans to introduce A-level sex education in 2008/2009 and it will be studying sexual ethics and other relevant issues. Apparently, I heard that AQA are to introduce in 2008 as a pilot.

It will also be quite a difficult essay course and will be amongst subjects like psychology, sociology, R.S etc

Please tell me if you have heard about this and would you consider studying it.

Seems very interesting,

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Sounds like another subject for EMA surfers but hey :biggrin:
Reply 2
Erm, where exactly could such an A-level lead? A degree in sex?
Reply 3
LOL I can imagine it now

"Assess the view that ******* every day will cause your cock to drop off. (40 marks)"
Reply 4
Would there be any coursework? :wink:
Reply 5
Would there be any coursework? :wink:

Personally I'd rather go for the practical exam :p:
Reply 6
Doubt the coursework Karvel.

Probably an "open" "practical assesed" project. Like they have for first year biology edexcel alevels. :wink:
Reply 7
lol, morgan know the flow as well....
Reply 8
The topics being covered are not just sex, but also other issues such as abortion, marriage,politics etc.

The name makes it sound like a horny subject and it will struggle to find respect in its early stages but it could go on to establish itself as a respectable essay subject along with subjects like psychology, R.S etc.

I've been told that the subject will be essay work but yeah, even I would prefer the assessed practical. lol.

who know's. in a few years time, it could be a well recognised subject by universities. Politics has made it as it is also new so sex education has a high chance too.
Personally I'd rather go for the practical exam :p:

I heard there's an oral test...:p:

Reply 10
But then subjects such as health and social care have basically fallen on their arse and if they make the disasterous choice of adding this subject it'll probably go the same way.

The fact is the potential skills learnt (stop sniggering people :p:) are useless, no employer or university would see it as a good A-level that would contribute a lot to a career or degree. It doesn't really matter if the A-level is difficult or not, it just isn't needed.
Sounds like a doss to me!

Hmmm... Q.1 Masturbation makes you blind. Do you agree? Give reasons and look at the argument from as many sides as possible. 60 marks
Reply 12
I've just been told by my mate whose dad is a principle at a college.

the course could hit colleges in 2008 as a pilot. and then 2009 as a standard subject if successful.

If exam boards do read this thread, I am sure they will consider changing the name
God, please tell me this is some kind of bad joke. We'll have A-level housework in a few years at the rate we're going :rolleyes:
Reply 14
Oh dear...
Reply 15
Please say this is a joke! I understand people have to be educated about sex
and everything but this is way too far I mean theycould of just added parts of the course into alevel subjects like biology um relgious studies etc!
Reply 16

If not, then it's truly one of the most idiotic ideas I've ever heard come about regarding the topic of education. Just... why?
It can waltz across the floor with Media Studies & Leisure and Tourism :biggrin:
Reply 18
It can waltz across the floor with Media Studies & Leisure and Tourism :biggrin:

Lol, that it can.
tbh it would also degrade whatever dubious establishment starts teaching it as well.
(Taught by a sex teacher?)stupid.

ps. Warwick rules.
Lol, that it can.
tbh it would also degrade whatever dubious establishment starts teaching it as well.
(Taught by a sex teacher?)stupid.

ps. Warwick rules.

Yes :biggrin: Ahh I can't wait :frown: