The Student Room Group

Quick reassurance needed!

Yup, stupid question on the way. I just need some reassurance :smile:.

Basically, me and my gf have finally (after two years!) decided to stop using condoms. She's been on the pill for a few mnths now, and she's missed it a few time. However, since we decided two weeks ago that we were going to stop using condoms, she's been taking it at the same time every day (9pm), perfectly and hasn't missed a single one. Thing is, she missed two days two weeks ago, when she came off her period.

So miss two days => perfect for two weeks.

Is it ok to do it, like, tonight withut condoms?

Thanks guys, I'm such a stupid worrier!!! :redface:
Reply 1
If a woman just starting the pill begins taking them within five days of the beginning of her menstrual cycle (the menstrual cycle begins on the first day of red bleeding), she will have pregnancy protection from the very first pill. If a woman begins taking the pill at another time in her menstrual cycle, she must use a different form of contraception for seven days

She had her 'bleeding', then missed two days, and has taken them spot on for two weeks... Is that still ok?
Reply 2
Again, from Wikipedia

Forgetting to take one or more pills increases ovulation rates; one study found skipping two pills in a row resulted in ovulation in 29% of cycles

So I'm not sure anymore. If you're worried, just use a condom till she has her next period (I'm still not entirely certain how this whole period malarkey works).

Crikey, thanks mate! Just saved me lol.
Reply 3
if she has been taking the pill for 7 or more days constantly since she missed a couple then she is protected (this is what mine say!)
Reply 4
Ooh bugger what do i do then?!? :s-smilie:
Reply 5
Ooh bugger what do i do then?!? :s-smilie:

If she has been taking them perfectly for the last two weeks, you can go without condoms now. However, if she misses any in the future, you need to use condoms for 7 days.
Reply 6
as you say she has been taking them for 2 weeks regularly, she should be protected and you have no need to worry!
i still always use condoms though just as double methods are safer than single anyway
Reply 7
Just use a condom.

Reply 9
If she has been taking them perfectly for the last two weeks, you can go without condoms now. However, if she misses any in the future, you need to use condoms for 7 days.

And that's a, err, definite? What about that ovulation stat thingy?

You'll have to forgive me for being so dumb - I'm just a real worrier about things like this!
Reply 10
if you're still that worried, just use a condom until after her next period - ask if you can have a look at the instruction leaflet that comes with her pills - that explains what to do if you missed pills and whether she would be protected
i think the ovulation stat is irrelevant after taking the pill for 7 days again
Reply 11
And that's a, err, definite? What about that ovulation stat thingy?

You'll have to forgive me for being so dumb - I'm just a real worrier about things like this!

Yes, it's all written in the pack. Even if ovulation was stimulated, by now it'll have come and gone.