The Student Room Group
Reply 1
does anyone know what passing 1yr or 2yrs of a physiotherapy course qualifies you for (...i know its not much), or any ideas where i can find out? thanks

nothing as dfar as I know. You will not be eligible to practice or anything like that........why'd you want to know?
Reply 2
could you maybe be a physio assistant or TI? As far as other jobs go, none unless you retrain as something else. Saying that you might be able to get onto other health courses at year 2 or something if it's related
Effectively nothing!

But, you will have gained knowledge in your subject areas, learning skills, time management skills etc. Depending on what else you want to do instead, it may qualify you for the second year of another course.

I don't think the second year would give you much more than that because it is so vocationally oriented with about 16 weeks of placements. The only things would be the caring professions, at junior level as Health Care Assistants.

If the course is modular you may qualify for a University certificate for each 120 points you obtain. They are called fall-back certificates. If you complete the first year you would get a University Certificate, and if you complete the second year you would get a University Diploma for 240 points. If you manage to gain 60 points in the third year you would get an unclassified degree in the subject. This is just general information and I'm not sure how it would apply to a Physiotherapy course.
Reply 4
could you maybe be a physio assistant or TI? As far as other jobs go, none unless you retrain as something else. Saying that you might be able to get onto other health courses at year 2 or something if it's related

but you don't actually need to be trained at all to be a physio assistant or TI so doing the first year of a degree wouldn't technically make you "qualified" to be one of these IFYSWIM
Reply 5
Having spoken to a careers advisor this post is for future reference to anyone else thinking about dropping out of the course..

1yr = certificate of healthcare
2nd yr = diploma in healthcare
3rd yr = degree in physiotherapy

in terms of career prospects.. most employers do not recognise even the diploma as significant because is it such a broad and unknown term. so really 2yrs at uni on this course is only worth ucas points toward another course. And yes to be a physio assistant is on-the-job training so you wouldn't especially need the uni course.