Effectively nothing!
But, you will have gained knowledge in your subject areas, learning skills, time management skills etc. Depending on what else you want to do instead, it may qualify you for the second year of another course.
I don't think the second year would give you much more than that because it is so vocationally oriented with about 16 weeks of placements. The only things would be the caring professions, at junior level as Health Care Assistants.
If the course is modular you may qualify for a University certificate for each 120 points you obtain. They are called fall-back certificates. If you complete the first year you would get a University Certificate, and if you complete the second year you would get a University Diploma for 240 points. If you manage to gain 60 points in the third year you would get an unclassified degree in the subject. This is just general information and I'm not sure how it would apply to a Physiotherapy course.